» We show top 1-15 of 55 recommended companies
Hazewind 13 8647 Lo-Reninge
058/28 99 15
056/42 32 29
www.allfiresecurity.be/SCHAARBEEKSTRAAT 23 9120 MELSELE
03/775 36 51
www.nenspower.beAre you also convinced that "cleaning" is a waste of money ? In this case, MIS, as specialised cleaners can see to it that you can make a considerable profit. You know as well as we do, that employees are performing much better in a well cleaned ...
02/424 31 88
www.misnv.beIndustrieweg-Noord 1165 3660 Oudsbergen
089/85 69 04
www.bouwjanssen.beAntwerpsesteenweg 320 2070 Zwijndrecht
03/252 20 20
www.vanlaere.bePortakabin modular buildings and portable buildings are the ultimate, versatile, sustainable building. Our modular building systems enable us to create buildings of any size, with multiple storeys, for up to 1,000 people or more. They include the ...
078/05 40 00
www.portakabin.beEngineering bureaus project coordination project engineering project management study bureaus technical assistance building site management cad design secondment electronics consultants engineering prefab
078/05 40 00
www.portakabin.bePortakabin modular buildings and portable buildings are the ultimate, versatile, sustainable building. Our modular building systems enable us to create buildings of any size, with multiple storeys, for up to 1,000 people or more.
288 68 7 21
www.portakabin.luBRUGSE STEENWEG 199 9990 MALDEGEM
050/34 43 92
www.inter-care.beGroenstraat(S) 48 3270 Scherpenheuvel-Zichem
016/79 50 51
www.integratech.be/Doornveld 140-149 1731 Asse
02/242 05 39
www.ms-electrique.comCleanrooms, cleanroomwanden, -plafonds en -vloerafwerking, draaideuren, schuifdeuren, specials. Ziekenhuizen, Coldrooms, Pharmacie, Micro electronica, enz.
015/28 50 10
www.cleanroom-systems.beGroenkraaglaan 1 1170 Watermaal-Bosvoorde
02/788 54 00
www.sudconstruct.be» We show top 16-30 of 55recommended companies
The EJD handle contracts in both the public and the private sectors. The company engages in the construction, renovation and restoration of office buildings, housing, industrial complexes and services such as sports and leisure centres ...
02 566 96 00
www.jacquesdelens.beHoge Mauw 760 2370 Arendonk
014/67 81 88
www.schellprojects.beCentric Belgium is a major player in the Belgian IT market with 700 employees and a turnover of EUR 90 million. Centric Belgium serves some 1,000 clients in Belgium, from SMEs to multinationals.
050/83 33 33
www.centric.euZuidstraat(Heu) 24-32 8501 Kortrijk
056/36 33 33
potteau.beSchaarbeekstraat(MEL) 21 9120 Beveren
03/646 08 00
www.bouwbedrijfflore.beMertenhof 10 2460 Kasterlee
014 42 42 65
www.anti-aging-clinic.beMunkendoornstraat 110 8500 KORTRIJK
056/74 60 00
www.oxfloor.comKerkstraat(O) 147 9290 Berlare
09/345 46 94
www.napatec.beOrisma is a leading company in professional cleaning and cleanup services industry.Orisma`s services are available to you in Flanders, Wallonia and Brussels.
05/431 12 20
www.orisma.beDe Meeuw is producent van modulairegebouwen die, afhankelijk vh soortmodules, hun toepassing vinden bij de bouw van ziekenhuizen, luxe kantoorgebouwen, laboruimtes en schoolgebouwen.
03/860 71 50
www.demeeuw.beCONGRESSTRAAT 35 1000 BRUSSEL 1
02/263 66 11
www.be.issworld.comBeukenlaan 15 8860 Lendelede
056/36 05 50
www.vdbproductions.euFRANKRIJKLEI 38 2000 ANTWERPEN 1
03/213 91 91
www.abeb.beLouis Mettewielaan 71 1080 Sint-Jans-Molenbeek
02/569 44 22
www.lica.beContractors industrial building contractors housebuilding general contractors utility building general industrial construction industrial building prefab industrial building contractors petrol stations operational industrial compl
052/45 07 17
www.juri.be» We show top 31-45 of 55recommended companies
Roeselaarsestraat 39 8850 Ardooie
051/69 70 30
www.mariver.beGanzeplas 83 9880 Aalter
09/325 00 69
www.reprosol.beBosdellestraat 120 1933 Zaventem
02/270 19 39
www.deprins.beSTEENWEG OP DEINZE 126 9880 LOTENHULLE
09/374 73 46
www.deloof.beAlfons Gossetlaan 17 1702 Dilbeek
024678 585
www.maquet.comWillem Lepelstraat 18 2000 Antwerpen
03/237 83 62
www.aronia.beEUROPALAAN 60 9800 DEINZE
09/282 22 07
www.ldlnv.beNooitrust 18 2390 Malle
03/384 32 40
www.dedennen.beMeeuwerkiezel 37 3960 Bree
089/46 18 94
www.vliegennv.beDiepenbekerweg 11 3500 Hasselt
011/26 03 60
www.demtecservices.beRue des Ponts 23 1480 Tubize
089/56 73 62
www.tajaplastics.beInterSystems is a global software technology leader who provides advanced software technologies for breakthrough applications. Founded in 1978, InterSystems is the world’s #1 vendor of database and integration technologies for healthcare...
02/464 97 20
www.intersystemsbenelux.comPAAPSEMLAAN 18G 1070 ANDERLECHT
02/522 07 80
www.trox.be» We show top 46-55 of 55recommended companies
03/870 52 52
www.samtrans.be/Hooiwege 26 9940 Evergem
09 357 31 70
www.vleeswarenriba.beSTATIONSTRAAT 81 1570 GALMAARDEN
05/458 69 79
www.dabib.beHEERWEG-NOORD 121 9052 ZWIJNAARDE
09/324 68 30
sclcleaning.beVoortbeemden 7 2400 Mol
014/31 10 96
www.schildersbedrijf-vandekerkhof.be/AALBROEKSTRAAT 3 9890 SEMMERZAKE
09/389 00 00
www.belintra.beAMBACHTENSTRAAT 46 8870 IZEGEM
051/92 09 08
www.strobbemobility.beLEUVENSESTEENWEG 555 1930 ZAVENTEM
02/464 19 11
fichetgroup.comVENETIELAAN 39 8530 HARELBEKE
056/24 19 91
www.vsk.beNIEUWPOORTLAAN 17 3600 GENK
0473/6 5 35 34