» We show top 1-15 of 75 recommended companies
0486/3 8 47 09
www.alfahost.beAntwerpsestraat 99 2850 Boom
03/880 53 10
www.comtechnology.bePaapsemlaan 20 1070 Anderlecht
02 303 27 00
www.imtech-telecom.beBrusselstraat 51 2018 Antwerpen
03/546 03 80
www.youngpartners.comBosstraat 104 9340 Lede
053 21 38 97
www.copyfix.beTECHNOLOGIELAAN 11 3001 HEVERLEE
02/714 06 70
www.adelior.bePrins Boudewijnlaan 49 2650 Edegem
03/880 23 00
www.cheops.beJ. De Ridderlaan 55 1780 Wemmel
02/461 11 87
www.bmx.beFortsesteenweg 25 2860 Sint-Katelijne-Waver
015 30 55 00
www.deltalink.beTelecomlaan 9 1831 Machelen (Brab.)
02/728 05 27
www.unisys.beTCS Computers, je partner voor een eenvoudig KMO ICT beheer! Opgericht in 1988 zijn we met meer dan 20 jaar ervaring mee geëvolueerd met de tendensen van de snel groeiende informatisering.
03/772 22 36
www.tcs-computers.beComputers maintenance office machinery maintenance cleaning company cleaning offices cleaning of peripherals office machinery repair computers cleaning computers services computers repairs
03/360 53 70
www.dataclean.beOSIATIS is a young ambitious European IT Services Group present in Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxemburg, France, Austria and Spain.
02/718 26 11
www.osiatis.beChaussée de Louvain 435 1380 Lasne
071/25 58 11
www.systemat.com» We show top 16-30 of 75recommended companies
Puursesteenweg(BOR) 327 2880 Bornem
09 386 35 74
www.kantoorservice.beGENERAAL DE WITTELAAN 17 2800 MECHELEN
015/28 63 70
www.infosupport.comLeuvensesteenweg 325 1930 Zaventem
02/712 05 92
www.aprico.beNoorderplaats 7 2000 Antwerpen
03/281 50 05
www.acscleaning.beAurelium is an allround ICT service provider for SMB. We strive to translate our knowledge into efficient ICT solutions, that connect our customers to the future and maximize their business potential.
03/457 57 77
www.aurelium.beLEUVENSELAAN 466 3300 TIENEN
016/81 30 08
www.nelissencomputers.beHuman Interface Group is the largest independent usability consultancy in Europe with almost 20 years of experience in optimizing the user experience of your technological solutions.
015/40 01 38
www.higroup.comRommelaerelaan 1 1020 Brussel
02/474 30 90
www.alpha-chrome.beLegen Heirweg 59 9890 Gavere
09 281 08 50
www.tasco.beBredabaan (Centrum) 368 2990 Wuustwezel
03 669 60 01
www.pcscomputers.beLombardsijdelaan 221 8434 Middelkerke
058/23 31 21
www.spidex.beBRUSSELSESTEENWEG 208 1730 ASSE
02/453 13 12
www.lasystems.beAlfred Algoetstraat 53 1750 Lennik
02/581 05 00
www.dwcs.beMolenlaan 27 8810 Lichtervelde
0475/4 8 51 41
www.telectroservice.beHasseltsebaan 111 3940 Hechtel
011/57 57 99
www.comnetso.be» We show top 31-45 of 75recommended companies
Heldenmoedstraat 24 1090 Jette
02 428 03 87
www.hasosu.beDERBYSTRAAT 25 9051 St. Denijs-Westrem
02/265 91 11
www.alsic.beLouizalaan 215a 1050 Brussel
02/627 87 87
www.lft.bePontstraat 58 9300 Aalst
053 21 16 16
www.grc.beComputers hardware computers peripheral equipment computers printers scanners computers software general computer supplies computer data storage systems data storage systems data subsystems disk arrays data storage systems data storage computers compute
03/280 00 30
03/297 01 35
www.venax.beUitbreidingslaan 4 9160 Lokeren
09 328 09 20
www.wallabie.beLennikse Baan 451 1070 Anderlecht
02/340 84 70
www.absyscyborg.com/frKalmthoutsesteenweg 44 2950 Kapellen
03/644 06 46
www.cebit.beVleugstraat 1 A 3090 Overijse
02/306 50 80
www.biassweb.comSoftware vertical applications computers hardware computers maintenance computers peripheral equipment software general computer data storage systems telecommunication service providers telecommunication systems it services data
0474/8 9 83 79
www.wautersit.comOordegemsesteenweg 193 9230 Wetteren
09 368 17 22
www.electronic-service.bePCCM specialist in computermaintenance and computerrepair. We accept ALL reparations
0475/5 6 59 55
www.pccm.beHelleweide 20 2930 Brasschaat
03/653 18 13
www.infobit.beDe Bruynlaan 3 3130 Begijnendijk
0475/5 9 80 90
www.b2b-itc.be» We show top 46-60 of 75recommended companies
Brusselstraat 33 2321 Hoogstraten
03 313 67 92
www.teknihall.beBoulevard d'Herbatte 111 5000 Namur
081 66 55 00
www.lybrafox.beRue de Marbaix 213 6110 Montigny-le-Tilleul
071/47 57 60
www.econocom.beAppelkantstraat 63 2540 Hove
03/455 71 16
www.dustbuster.beGuido Gezellelaan 58 2640 Mortsel
03/449 28 49
www.eck.beDrève des Chasseurs 133 1410 Waterloo
02 663 96 96
www.ultra-it.comBérangerstraat 26 1190 Vorst
0472/1 8 99 00
www.tech-care.beZwijnaardsesteenweg 45 9000 Gent
09/329 02 01
www.compoint.beComputer network cables computer local network netwerk servisces consultants computer networks data protection networks lan networks network cases networks system integration wan networks data cabling optical fibre cabling lan ca
09/243 42 10
www.kappadata.beCOMPUTER AND RELATED ACTIVITIES | Data base activities | Maintenance and repair of office, accounting and more
013/46 04 60
www.kpd.beGROTE BAAN 50 3540 HERK-DE-STAD
013/29 30 51
09/329 32 31
03/605 35 00
056/62 76 73
www.alfasolutions.be/nlLiebaardstraat 8 8792 Waregem
056/32 81 83
www.data-in.be» We show top 61-75 of 75recommended companies
Nieuwpoortstraat(Kor) 22 8500 Kortrijk
056/40 29 27
www.deduco.comRooigemlaan 30 9000 Gent
09/226 81 91
www.thecomputerstore.beJ.F. Kennedyplein 5A 1930 Zaventem
02/712 00 80
www.dcb.beRue de Chàøtelet(GOU) 17 6280 Gerpinnes
071/50 50 66
www.akela.beAllée Verte 5 4130 Esneux
042/78 47 74
www.axe-up.beCOMPUTER AND RELATED ACTIVITIES | Data base activities | Maintenance and repair of office, accounting and | Regulation of the activities of agencies that pro | Other service activities nec
09/356 85 61
www.imalink.beBRUGSTRAAT 71 3550 HEUSDEN-ZOLDER
011/23 52 62
www.helpdesk-office.beCables connectors computer computer local network computer network cables data transmission network systems network data communication computer cabling computer connectors computer cables dataconnectors glass fibre connectors da
09 227 66 76
www.icorda.beFort V-straat 14 2650 Edegem
0495/2 2 19 52
www.pcrepair.beDeken Degryselaan(Kor) 34 8500 Kortrijk
056/32 50 68
www.iLDC.beStefanini is a global provider of technology-based business solutions - IT Infrastructure Outsourcing Services, Application Services and Strategic Staffing
02/620 20 20
www.stefanini.comGasthuisbosdreef 28 3700 Tongeren
012/26 00 91