» We show top 1-15 of 75 recommended companies
015/79 47 40
0470/9 6 72 24
deopruimers.be/HEIZEGEMWEG 12 2030 ANTWERPEN 3
0031 8 5 013 72 08
cboxcontainers.nl/HEIZEGEMWEG 12 2030 ANTWERP, BELGIUM
03/449 06 74
cboxcontainers.be/BEERSEBAAN 71 2310 RIJKEVORSEL
03/340 04 90
www.hermans-heftrucks.be/nlAlgeco, worldleader in construc tion of modular spaces and prefabricated buildings. Contact us for more information. More than 65 years experience in creating smart spaces to work, live and learn. Rental of modular buildings.
080/09 04 85
03/775 36 51
www.nenspower.beBLOKKESTRAAT 10 8530 HARELBEKE
056/36 00 38
b-close.be/KRUISBAAN 68 2800 MECHELEN
02/245 25 65
02/675 59 02
www.loxam.beKettingbrugweg 38 3950 Bocholt
011/44 04 00
www.ajk.euGerard Mercatorstraat 8 3920 Lommel
0800/1 1114
www.renewi.comDe Meeuw is producent van modulairegebouwen die, afhankelijk vh soortmodules, hun toepassing vinden bij de bouw van ziekenhuizen, luxe kantoorgebouwen, laboruimtes en schoolgebouwen.
03/860 71 50
058/62 90 30
www.jtk-koeltechniek.be» We show top 16-30 of 75recommended companies
09/343 02 01
www.at-rent.beAVENUE CHARLES-QUINT 584 1080 BRUSSEL 8
0800/9 0 789
shop.suez.be/nl/BRABANTSTRAAT 15 8790 WAREGEM
056/43 42 11
www.tvh.comEconomical and Ecological Waste and Recyclable Material Management
02/253 15 22
www.tecnor.beVerhuur aan scherpe prijzen:Feesttenten, Luxetoiletten, toiletten, alle feestmateriaal (tafels-stoelen borden etc…..) springkastelen, klank-enlichtinstallaties. Van eenvoudige stevige tenten om zelf af te halen tot luxueuse feesttenten voor elk...
0473/3 8 12 69
www.aafest.beGezien Heli zelf al een marktleider is op gebied van verhuur van hoogwerkers, doet Helicat daar nu nog al het grondmateriaal erbij.
09/210 11 70
www.helicat.be/Mechanic International is your specialist in containers and security locks for the construction and transport sector. Our company started in 1984 and is situated near Brussels. We are distributor of mechanical and electronic ...
02/453 13 07
0800/9 0 789
shop.suez.be/nl/RUE DE L`AVENIR 22 4460 GRACE-HOLLOGNE
0800/9 0 789
shop.suez.be/nl/Containers office containers rental equipment hire building site containers join cutters machines road construction road building materials expertise containers construction machinery general asphalting machines concrete mixers concrete spraying mac
03/771 38 81
www.lenaerts-blommaert.beBEEMDENSTRAAT 7 2340 BEERSE
014/61 99 75
www.gr-technics.beHOGE BARRIERESTRAAT 11a 8800 ROESELARE
051/69 53 50
www.reflecta-graphics.beEngineering bureaus project coordination project engineering project management study bureaus technical assistance building site management cad design secondment electronics consultants engineering prefab
078/05 40 00
www.portakabin.beTools containers tools professional rental office containers rental construction machinery rental professional machines to rent building site containers expertise containers industrial tools instruments tools industrial tool boxes tool handles
03/727 11 27
www.real-nv.comAntwerpsesteenweg 320 2660 Antwerpen
03 828 68 15
www.toilet-team.be» We show top 31-45 of 75recommended companies
Portakabin modular buildings and portable buildings are the ultimate, versatile, sustainable building. Our modular building systems enable us to create buildings of any size, with multiple storeys, for up to 1,000 people or more. They include the ...
078/05 40 00
www.portakabin.bePortakabin modular buildings and portable buildings are the ultimate, versatile, sustainable building. Our modular building systems enable us to create buildings of any size, with multiple storeys, for up to 1,000 people or more.
288 68 7 21
www.portakabin.luEikelaarstraat 17 3600 GENK
08/936 00 36
www.gielen-recyclage.beCarveen , the specialist in selling cooling and air-conditioninning material : We like ro propose you a range of cooling materilal, like : Chilled cabinets, fridges with glassdoors, wine cellan, cooling chambres, Ice Cubers an flakers...
02/460 18 60
www.carveen.comEddastraat 43 9042 Sint-Kruis-Winkel
09/251 18 51
www.depeckergent.beCallemansputtestraat 34 9940 Ertvelde
09/344 40 07
www.vereecke-cleaning.beSLINGERWEG 20 3600 GENK
089/86 96 60
057/33 77 07
www.vulsteke-verbeke.beLEGEN HEIRWEG 21 9890 GAVERE
09/236 35 35
www.abcrent.beI-Rental legt zich toe op de integrale voorziening van industriële gereedschappen en tijdelijke nutsvoorzieningen (licht, lucht en stroom), en dit zowel voor contractoren als eindklanten, tijdens shut-downs, projecten en reguliere
070/22 24 78
www.i-rental.orgBURG J DE MALSCHELAAN 9 9140 TEMSE
03/771 38 81
www.lbv.beGrote Roeselarestraat 24 8980 Zonnebeke
0478/4 6 18 45
» We show top 46-60 of 75recommended companies
011/54 24 13
www.deceuster.beFietelstraat 6 9700 Oudenaarde
055 30 95 82
www.nvvds.beKattendijkdok-Oostkaai 5 2000 ANTWERPEN 1
03/213 88 00
ontime.beSneppelweg 44 2990 Wuustwezel
03/257 06 77
www.emlyn.beBiezeweg 13 9230 Wetteren
09 252 16 88
www.wsrb.beFRANKRIJKLEI 59 2000 ANTWERPEN 1
03/227 13 88
www.aksent.beAutostrade 17 1840 Londerzeel
02/223 43 07
www.robunits.beHasseltweg 284 3600 Genk
089/35 39 44
www.swinnen-hoogwerksystemen.beESPLANADE OSCAR VAN DE VOORDE 1 9000 GENT
070/22 26 26
www.jm-bruneau.be/nlBovigny 34A 6671 Gouvy
0497/6 6 57 51
www.ardennecontainer.beEikelaarstraat 17 3600 GENK
08/936 00 36
www.gielen-recyclage.beRoute de Frasnes(Hou) 237 7812 Ath
068/64 66 56
www.cobel.beKampstraat(STA) 11 8840 Staden
051/70 51 17
www.a3verhuur.be» We show top 61-75 of 75recommended companies
089/36 00 36
www.gielen-recyclage.beMOLENBERGLEI 52 2627 SCHELLE
0800/1 5 200
www.loxam.beOffice furniture warehouse installation office installation office furnishing landscape offices office decoration plastic piling box warehouse management systems ergonomic office furniture
02/583 01 01
www.overtoom.beIndustrieweg 30 2280 Grobbendonk
014/51 59 15
www.grdekempen.beSales and rent of handeling material new or used goods
012/74 65 65
www.palraco.be/BRUSSELSESTEENWEG 401 3020 HERENT
02/757 95 32
www.d-business.beTremelobaan 204 3140 Keerbergen
016 53 33 41
www.europaletten.beZ.5 MOLLEM 48J 1730 MOLLEM
02/725 32 30
www.cbcbrussels.beJan de Malschelaan 8 9140 Temse
03/771 38 81
www.lbv.beDonkelstraat 193 3700 Tongeren
0474/2 9 02 89
www.tongerent.beOudstrijdersstraat 15 2910 Essen
03/636 33 42
www.combi-trailer.beEUROLAAN 3 9140 TEMSE
03/710 61 61
www.vandergucht.be/walls racks warehouse dynamic storage systems dividing walls woodworking machines fireproof walls mobile partition walls warehouse racks pallet racks shelves warehouses warehousing systems
09/224 44 45
www.mva.beBreestraat 8 8710 WIELSBEKE
0493/2 5 88 88
crcontainers.beLuithagen-Haven 9 2030 ANTWERPEN 3
03/541 10 12