» We show top 1-15 of 75 recommended companies
03/281 16 60
www.belocal.be/Colt is the information delivery platform for businesses like yours. The ideal combination of secure and reliable datacommunication both between your company`s locations and between your company and the 20 datacentres of Colt.Serving belgian ...
02/790 16 16
www.colt.net/beRietgors 21 3010 Leuven
05/644 00 42
www.ballroom.beGENTSEWEG 280 9120 BEVEREN-WAAS
03/775 86 23
www.hotelbeveren.beBsearch; Belgian search engine where you will find products and services of Belgian companies only. On Bsearch you`ll find the information you`re looking for in no time.
03/281 16 60
www.bsearch.be/Schaarbeeklei 525 1800 Peutie
02/756 59 59
www.macadam.beSmisstraat 34 9100 Sint-Niklaas
03/766 65 06
www.bouwwerkenvanhove.be/Hoge Mauw 190 2370 ARENDONK
014/67 17 47
www.mermans.beJoseph Stevensstraat 7 1000 Brussel
02 274 11 11
www.jcdecaux.beGerard Mercatorstraat 8 3920 Lommel
010/84 59 42
069/56 05 11
www.shanks.beCarpet Treatments: Bacteria present in the workspace are responsible for a number allergy and hygiene problems.
010/22 92 16
www.composil.euGlasfabrieken van Brabant" has been in the glass business since 1959.After many years of manufacturing experience, "Glasfabrieken van Brabant" became a glass trader and now operates from Ghent as a partner for international glass-makers.
09/220 55 39
www.vb-glass.com» We show top 16-30 of 75recommended companies
Canadastraat 21 2070 Zwijndrecht
03/252 15 11
www.lanxess.beMechelsestraat 230 1840 Londerzeel
052/30 28 98
www.moensmeubelen.beBoomstraat(BOR) 59 2880 Bornem
03/828 48 59
www.studio59.beR DE L'ENVIRONNEMENT 18 4100 SERAING
04/338 05 60
www.shanks.beKleine Staarman offers car parts of all brands. We have new, second-hand and slightly damaged car parts. These car parts are available in our stock and immediatly deliverable.
056 42 39 94
www.kleinestaarman.beREGENBEEKSTRAAT 7 8800 ROESELARE
051/23 20 11
www.shanks.beWOWOW EUROPE is a Belgian producer, founded in 2004 and specialized in the manufacturing of reflective products. Our retail concept under the brand name Wowow, is present all over Europe.
053/77 39 16
www.wowow.beBLVD DE L'HUMANITE 124 1190 BRUSSEL 19
02/527 37 35
www.shanks.beRue des Sablières 45 1435 Mont-Saint-Guibert
010/65 58 63
www.shanks.beBourgetlaan 44 1130 Brussel
02/702 93 00
www.rezidor.comOostvaartdijk 42 1850 Grimbergen
02/242 79 59
www.vanderelst-electric.beRubensstraat 88 1800 Vilvoorde
0475/6 2 15 83
www.parketderyck.comBredestraat 9 3090 Overijse
0473/4 6 18 71
www.vtpumps.beRINGLAAN 64 2610 ANTWERPEN
03/233 37 37
stadtaxi.be» We show top 31-45 of 75recommended companies
Leuvensesteenweg 210 3200 Aarschot
016/55 15 51
www.roelants.beAvenue Landas 11 1480 Tubize
02 391 42 80
www.prominent.beKapelanielaan 13A 9140 Temse
03 771 18 35
www.alphamotorhomes.beCarlson Marketing is aanwezig in 21 landen, waaronder België en Nederland, en is de wereldleider op het vlak van relationele marketing.
02/661 21 11
www.carlsonmarketing.beBlokhuisstraat 47 2800 Mechelen
015 20 72 71
www.sg-as.comGenebroekstraat 82 3581 Beringen
089 36 24 40
www.twp.beSince 1994 our company, Carconnex, has been present on the European car trading market and specialises in buying and selling new and second-hand cars in bigger quantities. These cars are to be sold to professional car traders, in Belgium as well as i
016/80 80 70
www.carconnex.beProvinciebaan 61A 9890 Dikkelvenne
0475 7 0 98 45
www.by-construct.beEnjoy smooth and efficient meetings with our technical support: discussion systems, videoconferencing, simultaneous translation (equipment and interpreters), voting systems… duvall provides tailored solutions, aimed at the client’s and event’s needs.
09/236 61 71
052/89 55 40
www.obo.be/Haachtsesteenweg 672 1910 Kampenhout
02/255 42 40
www.pardaen.beNijverheidslaan 31 8540 Deerlijk
056/77 84 51
www.jacops.beIndustrieweg 15 3550 Heusden-Zolder
013/66 62 26
www.securetruckstop.eu» We show top 46-60 of 75recommended companies
Markiesstraat 1 1000 Brussel
02/229 19 50
www.edfbelgium.beBrusselsesteenweg 301 9402 Ninove
0472/7 8 41 84
www.pelletshop.beCapitalatWork is known for its direct and no-nonsense style of communications in all circumstances. There are various ways how we share our ideas about how we invest the capital of our private and institutional clients...
02/673 77 11
www.capitalatwork.comLÉON STYNENSTRAAT 75 2000 ANTWERPEN 1
03/287 38 40
www.capitalatwork.comBelgicastraat 7 1930 Zaventem
02/725 05 00
09/321 73 40
www.capitalatwork.comLION D'ORWEG 12 9300 AALST
053/76 65 66
www.multiprox.beDagelijks kan u bij ons terecht voor een snelle snack, een frisse salade of een uitgebreid diner, ook staan wij steeds klaar om u te laten genieten van een fris biertje, frisdrank of cocktail. Een uitgebreide koffie met of zonder gebakjes.
03/384 04 74
www.deheidebloem.netVRIJHEIDWEG 13 3700 TONGEREN
078/15 00 83
www.hormann.beComputercenter bvba, gelegen te Veurne, is al 28 jaar aanwezig in de ICT-sector en levert totaaloplossingen aan kleine ondernemingen: servers, computers & randapparatuur, ontwerpen van financiële & commerciële programma’s op maat,…
058 31 33 13
www.vanmarcke-computers.beOevelseweg 17 2250 Olen
014 21 21 14
www.mertens-olen.beFrans Baetensstraat 6 1750 Lennik
02/644 63 81
www.blatella.be» We show top 61-75 of 75recommended companies
050/43 21 11
www.florealgroup.be/nlOude Heirbaan 1 2890 Sint-Amands
0475 3 2 27 72
www.rashondenamandus.be/Heerweg-Noord 2 9052 Zwijnaarde
09 222 42 31
www.oudgemeentehuis.comLeeuwerikstraat 8 3110 Rotselaar
016/69 51 51
www.atelierdeville.be/Sint-Arnolduslaan 4 8200 SINT-MICHIELS
Bredabaan 129 2930 Brasschaat
03 652 18 88
www.tandartsbrasschaat.comZwingelaarsstraat 7 8500 KORTRIJK
056/36 57 11
0470/9 6 72 24
deopruimers.be/Aurelium is an allround ICT service provider for SMB. We strive to translate our knowledge into efficient ICT solutions, that connect our customers to the future and maximize their business potential.
03/457 57 77
www.aurelium.beVerbertstraat 28 2900 Schoten
03 658 26 19
www.veranneman-audio.beBaasbergstraat 50 1600 Sint-Pieters-Leeuw
02/308 45 28