» We show top 1-15 of 75 recommended companies
Metaalstraat 2 1 2718 SW Zoetermeer (NL)
+31793 680133
www.grohe.nl/nlnl/Bouwelven 17 2280 Grobbendonk
014/23 25 35
www.kingspanpanels.beBredastraat 127 2060 Antwerpen
03/633 33 33
www.desomer.be/A. STOCLETLAAN 206 2570 DUFFEL
015/29 35 35
www.airquality.be/Vliegtuiglaan 7 9000 Gent
09 251 07 96
www.janssentrack.be/Albrecht Rodenbachstraat 55 8908 VLAMERTINGE
057/20 07 98
www.vltracbohez.be/nl/homeLEUVENSESTEENWEG 369 1930 ZAVENTEM
02/223 06 60
www.grohe.be/nlbe/Claerhout Computer Engineering (CCE) is een softwarehuis gespecialiseerd in financiële applicaties enerzijds en het volledige ERP-gebeuren anderzijds. In 1989 werd het bedrijf gesticht en al snel evolueerde CCE tot een gezonde en innovatieve KMO.
09/362 36 93
www.cce.bePlaslaar 38b 2500 Lier
03/488 68 18
www.blycolin.comMERELNEST 1 1800 VILVOORDE
0471/9 9 09 96
beautycomplete.be/Leuerbroek (Oph) 1038 3640 Kinrooi
089/70 15 73
www.maco-bvba.beCambeenbos laan C 24 2960 Brecht
03/290 83 51
www.ronnysterkens.beDesotec Activated Carbon is a young and innovative company, ISO 9001-2008 certified, specialised in purification techniques on the basis of activated carbon.
051/24 60 57
www.desotec.com» We show top 16-30 of 75recommended companies
02/543 01 40
www.hansgrohe.be/nlData base activities
050/40 64 90
www.guideline.beSlabinck nv has earned an excellent reputation in Flanders as a supplier in the metal sheet processing sector.
050/40 88 40
www.slabinck.beAntwerpsesteenweg 62 2630 Aartselaar
03/870 63 00
www.ims-benelux.beVliegplein 55 9991 Maldegem
050/68 89 52
www.ledtechnic.beRUE J B JANSSEN 39 1080 BRUSSEL 8
02/410 25 45
www.cevai.beOude Bosuilbaan 43 2100 DEURNE (ANTWERPEN)
03/326 75 70
www.bouwenmetplastics.beSTAATSBAAN 4E 3210 LUBBEEK
016/62 09 01
www.plastiekvw.beEurobands , established in 1980, is specialised in the converting and distribution of industrial adhesive tapes , self adhesive foams and sealing tapes, providing solutions for all industrial sectors.
056/72 45 11
www.addevmaterials.beDebomat is producer of and specialised in entrance matting where the concept is patent pended on European level.
03/711 11 85
debomat.com/nl/HEIDE 15 1780 WEMMEL
02/456 04 56
www.kinnarps.be/nl-BEMechelsestraat 39 1000 Brussel
walls racks warehouse dynamic storage systems dividing walls woodworking machines fireproof walls mobile partition walls warehouse racks pallet racks shelves warehouses warehousing systems
09/224 44 45
www.mva.beVlamingstraat 4 8560 Wevelgem
056/43 28 66
www.metron-technics.be» We show top 31-45 of 75recommended companies
Pres. J.F. Kennedylaan 2 9060 Zelzate
09/345 64 15
www.xs4all.beHAACHTSESTEENWEG 1179 1130 BRUSSEL 13
02/243 22 11
www.compass-group.bePower Solutions is a major player in the global power market and has a dedicated business unit to successfully manage multi-megawatt temporary power projects all over the world in all industries: utility, construction, shipping, events, … .
03/325 88 00
www.powersolutions.euABTSDREEF 143 2940 STABROEK
03/640 39 50
www.solarpowersystems.be/HEIVELDEKENS 7 2550 KONTICH
03/326 39 62
be.kaeser.com/nlGateway to Konica Minolta websites Worldwide, and Corporate Information, Investor Relations, Environment and more. Konica Minolta is an Innovative Company and continues to create impressions in the Field of Imaging
02/717 08 11
www.konicaminolta.beLEUVENSESTEENWEG 248 1800 VILVOORDE
02/270 40 53
www.apipro.com/nl/LEDEGANCKKAAI 1 2000 ANTWERPEN 1
03/303 74 99
www.dural-bouwgroep.beWiedauwkaai 88 9000 Gent
09/253 82 99
www.desindo.beair conditioning installation shop installations general refrigeration general installers deep freeze installations icewater centres installations icewater units installers installation supermarkets commercial refrigeration inst
050/36 33 35
www.colenbier.beKolonel Bourgstraat 101 1030 Schaarbeek
02/702 32 11
www.festo.beLeuvensesteenweg 49 1932 SINT-STEVENS-WOLUWE
02/726 00 30
www.hueppe.comDaikin is pionier in de ontwikkeling van innovatieve en energievriendelijke klimaatbeheersystemen en warmtepompen. Op maat van elke behoefte biedt Daikin oplossingen voor residentiële, commerciële en industriële toepassingen.
09/244 66 44
www.daikin.beSinds 1980 is Tramat een toonaangevend bedrijf op het gebied van metaalconstructies. Naast het leveren van de benodigde componenten wordt onze jarenlange ervaring ook ingezet in de vorm van maatwerkadvies.
0497 2 04 997
059/30 83 67
energiewest.be/» We show top 46-60 of 75recommended companies
Universiteitslaan 9 3500 Hasselt
09/236 20 20
www.edan.beMarie Curiesquare 12 1070 Anderlecht
02/536 61 11
www.fujitsu.com/be/CENTRUM-ZUID 2016 3530 HOUTHALEN-HELCHTEREN
011/51 70 70
www.topsvending.be/nlGustave Jean Leclercqstraat 9 1160 Oudergem
02/675 65 88
02/663 49 40
www.aramark.beThanks to our business manager’s passion and ambition Stefca is a solid and reliable partner by providing professional contractors with service and maintenance, transport, assembly and disassembly, as well as rental and sales services for its ...
03/459 95 96
www.stefca-cranes.co.ukIndustrielaan 24 9900 Eeklo
09/344 26 95
www.darcodogfood.beLilsedijk 28Bus 11 1 2340 VLIMMEREN
014/61 08 55
www.sanicomplete.beIKAROSLAAN 25 1930 ZAVENTEM
02/721 39 45
www.thinfactory.comKlimstraat (Oph) 1 3640 Kinrooi
089/65 74 97
Xavier De Cocklaan 66 9831 Sint-Martens-Latem
09/245 65 45
www.itmobile.beDentergemstraat 164 8780 Oostrozebeke
056/66 22 58
www.damaco.comEuropark-Oost 24 9100 Sint-Niklaas
03/766 02 02
www.ite-tools.comOffice furniture warehouse installation office installation office furnishing landscape offices office decoration plastic piling box warehouse management systems ergonomic office furniture
02/583 01 01
www.overtoom.be» We show top 61-75 of 75recommended companies
Handelsstraat 128 1000 Brussel
081/40 05 54
www.smartfisher.com/Europastraat 10 2321 Hoogstraten
03/315 05 50
www.joostshop.com/nl/TEUNISSTRAAT 3 3800 ZEPPEREN
0475 5 6 71 50
www.dakren.be/Berlitz is a global leadership training and education company with a comprehensive portfolio for building communications skills development, global leadership training and customized dynamic solutions for cultural competency, available via multiple..
02/649 61 75
www.berlitz.beHouthalenseweg 29 3520 Zonhoven
011 81 49 63
www.mvs.beVossebeekstraat(ICH) 32 8480 Ichtegem
Bevrijdingslaan 16 8700 Tielt
051/40 06 86
vanrobaeys.eu/Belcrownlaan 13G 2100 DEURNE (ANTWERPEN)
03/231 54 70
www.loading-systems.beJacobs Koel is gespecialiseerd in airconditioning, warmtepompen, koelinstallaties en vriesinstallaties. Aangezien we uitsluitend kwaliteitswerk willen leveren, werken wij enkel met betrouwbare merken zoals Daikin, Argo en Sanyo.
016/56 38 98
www.jacobs-koel.beAware of the high stakes involved in doing business in this new century, Belga Translations has assembled a full hand of trump cards that will enable you to meet the challenges facing you in the field of multilingual communication with complete...
02/779 58 01
www.belgatranslations.bePortakabin modular buildings and portable buildings are the ultimate, versatile, sustainable building. Our modular building systems enable us to create buildings of any size, with multiple storeys, for up to 1,000 people or more.
288 68 7 21
www.portakabin.luINDUSTRIEPARK-WEST 75 9100 SINT-NIKLAAS
03/354 56 72
www.knapp.comLange Vlierstraat 35 2000 Antwerpen
03/232 16 97
www.KoppieKopie.beRue du Redeau 64 5530 Yvoir
082610 500