» We show top 1-15 of 75 recommended companies
Schorvoortstraat 19 2300 TURNHOUT
014/32 33 07
www.liftserviceverelst.beDry rot occurs generally in older and neglected buildings. Usually provoked by leaks from roofs and gutters, it causes severe damage to wood and its elimination is difficult. It requires much skill and attention to put things right.
02/526 07 70
www.protector.beVliegtuiglaan 7 9000 Gent
09 251 07 96
www.janssentrack.be/Anjerstraat 17 3970 Leopoldsburg
011/34 45 43
03/646 99 60
www.safetyshop.beWood is a versatile and useful building material. But being a natural product it is susceptible to natural predators. Unfortunately these parasites make no distinction between the dead wood in the forest and the material with which we build our ...
02/526 07 70
www.protector-belgium.beWEEHAGE 22 9520 SINT-LIEVENS-HOUTEM
053/39 38 97
www.tomcare.bePrins Boudewijnlaan 22 9991 Maldegem
050/71 16 27
www.gvanlandschoot.beSlabbaardstraat-Zuid 73 8870 Izegem
0475/8 9 45 88
www.tuinendendauw.bePurena offers you integrated services and total solutions in the field of cleaning, maintenance, hygiene services and pest control.
053/21 27 86
www.purena.beBAAL 36 3980 TESSENDERLO
0498/7 0 25 17
www.baardenco.beAt last a really fast and safe way to defeat rising dampness without risk of persistant damp patches.The Protector Duo-System combines injecting a silicone barrier in the wall at floor level to prevent damp to rise, with the simultaneous lateral ...
02/526 07 70
www.protector-belgium.beLeugenberg 72 2180 Antwerpen
03/664 18 63
www.vandenheuvel-meubelmakerij.beLANGEVELDE 22 1785 MERCHTEM
052/37 44 88
canvaskader.be» We show top 16-30 of 75recommended companies
011/24 25 36
www.festarent.beEERSTE MEISTRAAT 14 3700 TONGEREN
012/23 69 58
www.biesmansbeveiliging.beNIJVERHEIDSSTRAAT 22 2570 DUFFEL
03/411 06 06
03/669 82 34
www.tapwagens-aerts.beVAARTDIJK 55 3018 WIJGMAAL (BRABANT)
016/ 4 4 17 40
www.festarent.beFOUGA MAGISTERLAAN 2189 3800 SINT-TRUIDEN
011/78 02 46
www.alfa-bvba.beKAPELSESTEENWEG 396 2930 BRASSCHAAT
03/605 34 00
www.pvdhomeconcept.beAARSCHOTSESTEENWEG 16 BUS 3 3000 LEUVEN
016/22 12 28
www.sarem.beDorpsstraat 11 2950 Kapellen
03/664 97 13
www.missmister.beHerkenrodesingel 16 3500 Hasselt
011/87 81 11
www.concentra.beWerverbos 93 2930 Brasschaat
03/663 28 20
www.laura-v.beEIKENENWEG 85 3520 ZONHOVEN
011/53 95 00
www.funfun.beGentse Steenweg 79A 9160 Lokeren
09/361 34 21
www.grymonprez-bvba.beWhile in the past the focus was on simple earth moving and demolition work, we are now moving towards cleaning industrial areas including the transport of the polluted soil and soil stabilisation. Besides the demolition of complex bridges ...
011/58 70 57
www.croesnv.beDe Lange Beemden 47 3550 ZOLDER
011/53 77 32
www.verhuur-truyers.be» We show top 31-45 of 75recommended companies
015/63 64 32
www.machinebeglazing.beV. Philipsstraat 16 3040 Huldenberg
0475 6 90393
03/225 25 17
www.zidis.beSPIEVELDSTRAAT 41 9160 LOKEREN
09/335 21 50
mechanical.deroeve.com/DIESTSESTRAAT 55 3200 AARSCHOT
016/30 09 60
www.dastronic.be/Houtheide 20 3150 Haacht
0475/6 0 29 53
www.piessensbvba.beROGGEMANSTRAAT 9 9220 MOERZEKE
0476/3 2 32 48
www.lv-metaalconstructies.beDry rot Dry rot occurs generally in older and neglected buildings. Usually provoked by leaks from roofs and gutters, it causes severe damage to wood and its elimination is difficult. It requires much skill and attention to put th
02/526 07 70
www.protector-belgium.beWalter Vroemans > Home Inloggen | You are here : Home donderdag 13 december 2007 Welkom Contacteer ons Vroemans BVBA Kloosterstraat 16 2460 Lichtaart Tel. 014/55.67.93 Fax. 014/55.12.23 info@vroemans.be Ma/Di: 13:00-18:30 Woe/Do: 08:30-12:00 en 13:00
014 55 67 93
www.vroemans.beHouthalenseweg 29 3520 Zonhoven
011 81 49 63
050/50 03 54
www.landbouwmachines-huygebaert.beEUROLAAN 3 9140 TEMSE
03/710 61 61
www.vandergucht.be/Dirk Martensstraat 3A 8200 Brugge
050/45 44 00
raytech.beFire detection, burglary detection, entrance control
052/31 59 60
www.thebelgian.be» We show top 46-60 of 75recommended companies
Glasstraat 47 2170 Antwerpen
03/644 20 94
058/62 90 30
www.jtk-koeltechniek.beTea brokers coffee tea wholesale toilet air fresheners catering machines coffee machines coffee brokers coffee instant wholesale coffee roasting houses instant coffee wholesale espresso machines coffee machines
03/888 10 50
www.succeskoffie.beBeukenlaan 32 2340 Beerse
03/311 68 91
www.tegeldiscountbvba.beSmalle Heerweg 60 9080 Lochristi
09 355 51 78
www.westlede.beLostraat(Ren) 8 8647 Lo-Reninge
057/40 13 88
www.dubaere-voet.beNormandiëlaan 13 8420 De Haan
050/41 64 10
www.xtraspace.beDekenstraat 2 3000 Leuven
016/23 13 06
www.challenge.beTeirlinckstraat 1 9900 Eeklo
09/232 16 09
www.deconorm.comBruggestraat 147 8820 Torhout
050/23 19 60
www.mmpcs.be/Tarwerentestraat 1 8340 Damme
050/50 00 82
www.garagebulcke.beHolleweg (Nm) 98 2920 Kalmthout
03/633 17 77
www.steenvastgoed.be» We show top 61-75 of 75recommended companies
Flaasweg 6 3650 Dilsen-Stokkem
089/75 39 80
www.e-liner.beGroenenhoek 7 9 2630 Aartselaar
03/887 00 79
www.cleydael.beDésiré Van Den Bosschestraat 31 9620 Zottegem
09/360 20 86
www.tuinweekend.beschilderen en services --< Mondriano > -- Contacteer ons op werkdagen: Mondriano Kwekerijstraat 1 1830 Machelen Tel: +32 (2) 751 02 80 Fax: +32 (2) 751 02 90 info@mondriano.be Of door middel van onderstaand invulformulier. Uw e-mail adres * Onderwerp
02/751 02 90
www.mondriano.beZUIDWEG 10 2660 HOBOKEN (ANTWERPEN)
03/827 37 47
www.trimi.beBrusselsesteenweg 617 1731 Asse
02/466 51 00
www.haviland.beRue du Wérihet 14 4052 Chaudfontaine
0422/2 1 08 9
www.vl-brabant.be/Meensesteenweg(Kor) 101 8500 Kortrijk
056/20 13 34
www.devlaschaard.beHoutekietstraat 16 8540 Deerlijk
056/32 89 57
www.dubbelecabine.be/Brandepoelstraat 37 3570 Alken
011/59 29 10
www.eternity.beGrote Steenweg 63 3440 Zoutleeuw
03/232 33 33
www.hypocent.comMuizenvenstraat 10 2300 Turnhout
014/47 07 00
www.groupdewolf.comVeerstraat 80 2840 Rumst
03 293 04 61