» We show top 1-15 of 75 recommended companies
03 685 15 17
www.energiek.beWAVERSESTEENWEG 1110 1160 BRUSSEL 16
02/663 49 40
www.aramark.beDesotec Activated Carbon is a young and innovative company, ISO 9001-2008 certified, specialised in purification techniques on the basis of activated carbon.
051/24 60 57
www.desotec.comMechanic International is your specialist in containers and security locks for the construction and transport sector. Our company started in 1984 and is situated near Brussels. We are distributor of mechanical and electronic ...
02/453 13 07
www.m-i.beDebomat is producer of and specialised in entrance matting where the concept is patent pended on European level.
03/711 11 85
debomat.com/nl/Grensstraat 94 3140 Keerbergen
015/25 24 89
www.omnimat.beContisteel has been specialising in stainless steel since 1989. From our warehouses, we are able to supply our customers, who are primarily based in Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, France and Germany.
013/53 03 40
www.contisteel.beTOEKOMSTLAAN 50 2200 HERENTALS
014/22 57 67
www.lastek.beTry our professional cleaning solutions, designed to protect your computer hardware. And enjoy a healthier working environment and, therefore, a pleasanter one too !
010/60 72 22
www.icus.beEcoloc NV produces the known PVC floor systems Lock-Tile® and Multi-Tiles®. Quick and easy to install and maintain and above all very strong, in short: the ultimate production- or renovation floor! Colorful or quiet, the choice is yours!
03/633 23 23
www.ecolocflooring.comARNAUD FRAITEURLAAN 15-23 1050 BRUSSEL 5
02/508 92 11
www.shell.beVliegtuiglaan 7 9000 Gent
09 251 07 96
www.janssentrack.be/ARNAUD FRAITEURLAAN 15 - 23 1050 BRUSSEL 5
02/508 92 11
www.shell.beChaussée de Bruxelles 85 6042 Charleroi
Grand'Place 7 7950 Chièvres
068/65 79 57
www.clm-assurances.be» We show top 16-30 of 75recommended companies
014/50 79 10
www.mauquoy.comRue Saint-Michel(BOU) 12 6464 Chimay
060/21 14 85
“The Salons De Romree are located in a listed square farmstead in Brabant. With their delightful gardens and four fully equipped rooms with capacities ranging from 20 to 200 people, they are the ideal venue for a seminar or function just ten...
02/269 74 74
www.salonsderomree.beDry rot occurs generally in older and neglected buildings. Usually provoked by leaks from roofs and gutters, it causes severe damage to wood and its elimination is difficult. It requires much skill and attention to put things right.
02/526 07 70
www.protector.beAnthonis De Jonghestraat 1 9100 Sint-Niklaas
03/776 24 65
www.perdaendhooghe.beRue Cockroux 5 4680 Oupeye
04 289 06 36
www.depuistoitures.beWeverslaan 32 9160 Lokeren
09/340 50 20
www.winlockfiredoors.comLUCHTHAVENLEI 7B 2100 DEURNE (ANTWERPEN)
03/287 06 10
02/361 21 21
02/257 17 60
www.fraikin.beSCHOTELSTRAAT 44 3511 STOKROOIE
011/25 20 47
www.lismont.beThere is a suitable bouquet or flower arrangement for every occasion: an opening, product introduction, anniversary, birth, a major deal which has been clinched, etc...l
02/242 29 64
www.fleurop.be/Rue Jules Vantieghem (EV) 12 7730 Estaimpuis
056/84 68 62
www.poisson-or.comKoningsstraat 33 1000 Brussel
02/219 30 60
www.bodartopticiens.be» We show top 31-45 of 75recommended companies
Chaussée de Redemont(PAU) 206 7100 La Louvière
064/26 08 03
www.bis.be/Rue Edouard Colson 278 4431 Ans
04 234 91 61
www.lussis.beLe Tombeu 10 4550 Nandrin
085411 162
www.blockx.beRue Vandervelde(GOZ) 273 6534 Thuin
071/56 20 73
www.valdesambre.beTijdsregistratie, prikklokken, biometrie, toegangscontrole, klokkennetwerken, scoreborden.
010/24 56 20
www.bodet.be/nl/Avenue Henri Zaman 16 1480 Sint-Renelde
02 390 99 91
www.lismont.beZ.1 RESEARCH PARK 250 1731 ZELLIK
02/481 79 00
www.tae.be/nl/Aesthetic, technological, and progressive. Verimpex has been developing and producing entrance mats professionally and with a sense of innovation for over 35 years. Discover our unique range and find a tailored solution for your project.
050/32 08 66
www.verimpex.be/nl/home/1Neerstalse Steenweg 76 1190 Vorst
02/376 45 73
www.alautoiture.beCHAUSSÉE DU RISQUONS-TOUT 536 7700 MOESKROEN
056/42 32 29
www.allfiresecurity.be/Centrum-Zuid 2037 3530 Houthalen-Helchteren
011/51 02 10
www.zinq.com/nlPortakabin modular buildings and portable buildings are the ultimate, versatile, sustainable building. Our modular building systems enable us to create buildings of any size, with multiple storeys, for up to 1,000 people or more. They include the ...
078/05 40 00
www.portakabin.beEngineering bureaus project coordination project engineering project management study bureaus technical assistance building site management cad design secondment electronics consultants engineering prefab
078/05 40 00
www.portakabin.be» We show top 46-60 of 75recommended companies
Portakabin modular buildings and portable buildings are the ultimate, versatile, sustainable building. Our modular building systems enable us to create buildings of any size, with multiple storeys, for up to 1,000 people or more.
288 68 7 21
www.portakabin.luMarche Marche 6900 Marche-en-Famenne
084/21 16 53
www.delhaye.beZwaaikomstraat 24 8800 Roeselare
051/24 87 24
www.dhaene-nv.beRUE J B JANSSEN 39 1080 BRUSSEL 8
02/410 25 45
www.cevai.bePHI DATA optimize company processes through integration & support of Auto-ID, Mobile & RTLS solutions for the sector of the industry, logistics, healthcare, utilities, government and others institutions.
02/460 71 12
056/77 58 21
www.storacon.beBergensesteenweg 181 1600 Sint-Pieters-Leeuw
02/334 22 50
www.nederman.com/nl-be/WIJNENDALESTRAAT 189 8800 ROESELARE
051/25 29 00
www.baudoin.beWaterloosesteenweg 1165 1180 Ukkel
02/344 59 07
www.immolook.beRue de Wandre 1/B 4610 Beyne-Heusay
043/62 22 20
www.marechalgym.beJ.R. Collonlaan 15 1200 Sint-Lambrechts-Woluwe
02/772 69 35
www.sematec.be/Rue de Coppin(JB) 195 5100 Namur
081/31 08 43
www.adarch.beRue des Fougères 80 6010 Charleroi
071/36 61 11
www.gaillyassurances.com» We show top 61-75 of 75recommended companies
Meeënweg 38 3600 Genk
089/85 50 77
www.tsr.beRue des Sablières 7 6200 Châtelet
071/39 31 02
www.agadir.beAt last a really fast and safe way to defeat rising dampness without risk of persistant damp patches.The Protector Duo-System combines injecting a silicone barrier in the wall at floor level to prevent damp to rise, with the simultaneous lateral ...
02/526 07 70
www.protector-belgium.beCardboard packaging cylinders cardboard cardboard packaging cardboard boxes packaging corrugated cardboard
02/426 96 92
www.braescartonnages.beWITTESTRAAT 10 8501 HEULE
056/36 39 11
015/21 53 11
www.sharp.beRue de l´ Ourchet Rue de l' Ourchet 5030 Gembloux
081/56 71 91
www.gorreux.beKoning Albertlaan 70 1120 Brussel
022683 055
www.baral.beZuidstraat 47 1000 Brussel
02 511 56 73
www.astro-planet.comRue de Waremme 48 4530 Villers-le-Bouillet
085/25 05 02
www.guisse.comRue d´Arquet 62 5000 Namur
081 22 48 12
www.dethy-carrelages.beRue Waloppe(AMP) 20 4540 Amay
085/31 45 33
www.piret-ateliers.beRue Emmanuel Martin(TEM) 7A 7520 Tournai
069 35 21 80