» We show top 1-15 of 75 recommended companies
A Brussels-based multiservice consulting and translating firm with 25 years of expertise. As your trusted partner, you can commission us with all of your projects, from an urgent translation for your web site to the localisation of your complete ...
02/346 71 17
www.tradas.comA. STOCLETLAAN 206 2570 DUFFEL
015/29 35 35
03/289 83 21
waaslandsecurity.beBeboost has over 25 years` experience in digital and online search platforms.
03/281 16 60
beboost.be/BOSVELD 14 9200 DENDERMONDE
052/41 44 70
auto-diagnose-apparatuur.beTrusted third party that safeguards the continuity of your business.WorldEscrow Belgium services are essential to secure critical components(source code of software, industrial designs, blueprints..)for running a company and ensure business
015/20 44 50
www.worldescrow.beAlfons Braeckmanlaan 134 9040 Gent
09/228 70 00
www.dirix.beSlabinck nv has earned an excellent reputation in Flanders as a supplier in the metal sheet processing sector.
050/40 88 40
www.slabinck.beBrusselsesteenweg 708 9050 Gentbrugge
09 362 68 74
www.rgbsystems.beOOSTENDESTEENWEG 149 8480 ICHTEGEM
059/30 83 67
energiewest.be/As an international producer and supplier of innovative climate control and climate separation equipment Biddle offers `know how` and high-quality products.
015/21 7 705
www.biddle.beEurobands , established in 1980, is specialised in the converting and distribution of industrial adhesive tapes , self adhesive foams and sealing tapes, providing solutions for all industrial sectors.
056/72 45 11
www.addevmaterials.beMechelsesteenweg 25 2650 EDEGEM
03/460 35 35
www.ntx.be/Agendas gifts gadgets business gifts incentives gift vouchers promotional items gadgets publicity gadgets raffle articles notebooks pocket notebooks fairground articles
015/20 20 95
www.rivanco.be» We show top 16-30 of 75recommended companies
015/41 60 94
www.debeck.beBouwelven 4 2280 Grobbendonk
014/25 73 91
ara-transferprint.comWAALSTRAAT 112 9870 ZULTE
09/ 24 8 08 00
www.decalec.beRené Comhairelaan 82 1082 Sint-Agatha-Berchem
0485/6 9 52 82
www.martek.beSchaarbeeklei 613 1800 Vilvoorde
02/255 20 40
www.macadam.euOUDE HEIDESTRAAT 14 3740 BILZEN
089/41 44 86
www.papalegba.beSatenrozen 2A 2550 Kontich
03/451 80 00
brutex.comSurface Treatment does not believe in the velvet glove of the publicity agent, but prefers a hands-on approach to the job.The man-of-action approach is vital, but R&D capacity and quality have to be evidenced too.
014/40 39 60
www.surfacetreatment.beSteenweg op Mol 148 2360 Oud-Turnhout
014553 635
www.agp-it.euIkaroslaan 36 1930 Zaventem
02 719 55 11
www.yokogawa.beCarpoint Europe is offering a large range of car accessories, from handy utilities to advanced tuning and styling products that will transform your car into an unique and personalized vehicle.
03/766 69 59
www.vanoekel.comKeerstraat 126 1500 Halle
02/356 03 58
www.apsystems.beRue Camille Hubert Rue Camille Hubert 5032 Gembloux
081/40 70 00
www.corilus.be» We show top 31-45 of 75recommended companies
Dr. Lenstralaan 30 3650 Dilsen-Stokkem
089/25 88 85
www.houbenmedia.beDraaiboom 60 2360 Oud-Turnhout
014/46 06 00
www.gasflowsolutions.beGENERAAL LEMANSTRAAT 47 2018 ANTWERPEN 7
03/241 11 11
www.landrover.beBerchemstraat 172 9690 Kluisbergen
055/38 94 44
vandewiele-rubber.be/nlBED´Herbouvillekaai 80 2020 Antwerpen
02/251 84 00
www.asphaltco.beKwatrechtsteenweg 160 9230 Wetteren
09/365 98 11
www.filmobel.beKerkhoflaan 6-8 1910 Kampenhout
016/65 51 80
www.eltherm.beAUTOBAAN 13 8210 LOPPEM
050/83 13 20
www.boydens.beExcelsiorlaan 89 1930 Zaventem
02 401 97 00
www.destiny.beTiensevest 43 3010 Leuven
016/22 07 05
www.imengine.be/Bauwensplein 13 9300 Aalst
053/76 76 00
www.vanmeeuwen.comDonker Woud 1 2980 Zoersel
03/384 29 73
www.digatron.beZagerijstraat 2 2240 Zandhoven
03 485 57 11
www.wuytsinternational.comTriaxis in Gent legt zich toe op 3D-printing, 3D-scanning en 3D-modelling en gebruikt daarvoor professionele scanners, geavanceerde software en het geschikte poeder of thermoplastic. De kwaliteit van onze producten en ons vakmansc
09/398 09 27
www.triaxisprint.be» We show top 46-60 of 75recommended companies
0800/2 6 660
derioolkrak.beDellestraat 3 3550 Heusden
013/35 53 55
www.pollers.beLeopoldlei 39 2220 Heist-op-den-Berg
015/22 96 80
www.tdn.beVan Aertselaerstraat 42 2320 Hoogstraten
03/314 84 76
www.elotec.beHANNUTWEG 55 5004 BOUGE
081/20 79 00
www.canon.beWeg naar Zwartberg 85 3530 Houthalen-Helchteren
089/50 16 40
www.inventis.beVliegwezenlaan 48 1731 Asse
02/309 21 12
www.merkator.comLEUVENSESTEENWEG 248 1800 VILVOORDE
02/270 40 53
www.apipro.com/nl/Ter Stratenweg 44A 2520 Ranst
03/324 49 95
www.pumpservice.beLeuvensesteenweg 573 1930 Zaventem
02/761 65 73
www.interoute.beBESSENVELDLAAN 7 1831 DIEGEM
02/722 04 11
www.canon.beKempische steenweg 293 3500 Hasselt
078/07 70 76
www.thesafegroup.comAssesteenweg 25-29 1740 Ternat
02/454 01 11
www.sodeal.beRijnkaai 37 2000 Antwerpen
03 205 67 67
www.canon.beKortrijksesteenweg 88 9830 Sint-Martens-Latem
09 269 17 70
www.canon.be» We show top 61-75 of 75recommended companies
Al meer dan 70 jaar bieden wij onze klanten de meest geavanceerde technologieën op het gebied van beeldverwerking. Wij zijn niet alleen pioniers op het gebied van vastleggen, manipuleren en beheren van afbeeldingen, maar ook op het gebied van...
02/722 04 11
www.canon.bePRESATENDEUR, your best partner for packaging & identification equipment.
02/657 02 22
www.presa.com/nl/catalogueIdprod381Pr...BAASRODESTRAAT 202 9200 DENDERMONDE
052/25 99 00
www.venerit.bePRESATENDEUR, your best partner for packaging & identification equipment.
02/657 02 22
www.presatendeur.beNeerlandweg 28 2610 Antwerpen
03/830 00 48
www.graphiclaminatingsystems.beTER WAARDE 48 8900 IEPER
057/21 52 15
www.ccv.eu/be-nlERP-software voor commercieel-administratief beheer (handel, distributie); projectbeheer en productiebeheer. AVIS en PrAVIS. Geavanceerde systemen voor toegangscontrole, tijdsregistratie en personeelsbeheer. Krachtige Business Intelligence tools.
056/21 86 41
www.jumbocomputers.beProvinciesteenweg 689 2530 Boechout
0474/0 7 85 73
www.slotenmakerservice.be/PRESATENDEUR, your best partner for packaging & identification equipment.
02/657 02 22
www.presatendeur.beAvenue Ariane 7 1200 Sint-Lambrechts-Woluwe
02/773 91 11
www.tractebel-engie.comAAC nv has been since 1989, active as Inbound Contact Centre and this 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. By a thorough knowledge in the sector AAC has become a key player in its domain. The combination of sophisticated technologies and tailor-made...
03/205 55 55
www.aac.beGerard Mercatorstraat 8 3920 Lommel
0800/1 1114
www.renewi.comEnjoy smooth and efficient meetings with our technical support: discussion systems, videoconferencing, simultaneous translation (equipment and interpreters), voting systems… duvall provides tailored solutions, aimed at the client’s and event’s needs.
09/236 61 71
www.duvall.beSPEOS is specialised in the outsourcing of financial and administrative documents, such as invoices, bank statements, reminders and salary slips, etc.
02/558 02 00
www.speos.beIndustrieterrein Kanaal-Noord 1207 3960 Bree
089/86 77 89