» We show top 1-15 of 75 recommended companies
03/289 83 21
waaslandsecurity.beKLEINHOEFSTRAAT 8 2440 GEEL
03/460 35 35
www.netflow.be/BURCHTSTRAAT 190 9150 KRUIBEKE
03/257 75 01
www.netflow.be/PHI DATA optimize company processes through integration & support of Auto-ID, Mobile & RTLS solutions for the sector of the industry, logistics, healthcare, utilities, government and others institutions.
02/460 71 12
www.phidata.be/PROCESSIESTRAAT 2 8790 WAREGEM
056/62 76 73
www.alfasolutions.be/nlGraphic art accessories office appliances wholesale drawing table drawing tables painters tools drawers accessories tools equipment for draftsmen drawing materials drawing paper office equipment wholesale
03 641 97 90
03/287 06 10
www.care.beKYOCERA Document Solutions is manufacturer of laser printers, multifunctionals and efficient software solutions and is a leading company in Managed Document Services, for the optimization of the complete document-output process of your company.
02/720 92 70
www.kyoceradocumentsolutions.be/BRUGSESTEENWEG 380 8800 ROESELARE
051/24 70 00
03/449 11 59
www.sdt-informatics.beMarie Curiesquare 12 1070 Anderlecht
02/536 61 11
www.fujitsu.com/be/INDUSTRIELAAN 4 9320 EREMBODEGEM
056/22 36 73
www.masterchips.be/nlKOUTERVELDSTRAAT 2 1831 DIEGEM
0800 1 2 885
bluebridge.services/companies-services/BENELUXPARK 33 8500 KORTRIJK
056/40 29 27
www.deduco.be» We show top 16-30 of 75recommended companies
Try our professional cleaning solutions, designed to protect your computer hardware. And enjoy a healthier working environment and, therefore, a pleasanter one too !
010/60 72 22
www.icus.beGespecialiseerd in het herstellen en onderhouden van printers en pc`s in België en Luxemburg voor een vaste verplaatsingskost. Herstellingen binnen de 8 werkuren!
09/348 78 38
www.gevacom.beCombell hosting voor linux en windows met domeinnaam geschikt voor websites gebruikmakende van php, asp met mysql of ms sql database koppelingen ook aspnet, cgi perl ssi, python en veel meer meer weten hosting webhosting domeinnaamregistratie
09/218 79 79
www.combell.comAntwerpsestraat 99 2850 Boom
03/880 53 10
www.comtechnology.bePaapsemlaan 20 1070 Anderlecht
02 303 27 00
www.imtech-telecom.beCOMPUTER AND RELATED ACTIVITIES | Data base activities | Maintenance and repair of office, accounting and
013/35 20 60
www.xatrax.comEvolis(Kor) 78 8500 Kortrijk
056/23 46 09
www.trustteam.beMevrouw Courtmansstraat 20 2600 Antwerpen
03/280 00 00
www.ockham.beWDMULTIMEDIA is een jong en dynamisch bedrijf dat zich vooral richt tot particulieren, zelfstandigen en KMO's. Bij ons kan u terecht voor alle computerherstellingen, computeruitbreidingen, nieuwe computers, software, ... Bij WD
052/52 86 10
www.wdmultimedia.beRinglaan 39 1853 Strombeek-Bever
02/661 96 11
www.staples.beValaardreef 9 2610 Wilrijk
03/830 19 22
www.dylix.beItegembaan 155 2590 Berlaar
03 482 37 08
www.mobitronics.beOeyvaersbosch 16-18 2630 Aartselaar
03/871 11 11
www.alternate.be» We show top 31-45 of 75recommended companies
De Bruynlaan 3 3130 Begijnendijk
0475/5 9 80 90
www.b2b-itc.beGiet passie voor computers samen met het idee dat service op ICT geen illusie hoeft te zijn en je krijgt Winlin.
03/454 51 15
www.winlin.beBurroughs Place 1 Detroit
02 728 07 11
www.unisys.comVlamingenstraat 2 8940 Wervik
056/49 51 42
www.wamco.beComputers hardware software general electronic dictionaries software language accessories translating software operating systems computer computer programs software data processing software software spelling check cdrom dictionaries lotus notes manageme
02/380 53 10
www.gddata.beWeb hosting computers hardware computer local network software general software project development web site design it consulting software consultant computers consultants webdesign pda design, web sites software analyses software custommade software so
011 94 81 22
www.bitestrike.beUitbreidingslaan 4 9160 Lokeren
09 328 09 20
www.wallabie.beHeuveneindeweg 121 3520 Zonhoven
011/39 73 97
03/605 35 00
www.hsc.beKortrijksesteenweg 150 9830 Sint-Martens-Latem
09/220 87 78
www.ac-xerox.beTernesselei 58 2160 Wommelgem
03/354 51 77
www.dofincomputing.beVIIde-Olympiadelaan 54 2020 Antwerpen
03/238 05 51
www.relex-cs.be/Terlaemenlaan 8 3550 Heusden-Zolder
011/49 00 49
www.rotopi.be/» We show top 46-60 of 75recommended companies
Zoutbrugstraat 23 Bus 1 3540 Berbroek
013/55 57 54
www.allround-computing.comKerkstraat(SGW) 22 9170 Sint-Gillis-Waas
03/727 12 12
www.brainstorm.beIt consulting software crm software customer relationship management software sales support crmsoftware software sales support customer relationship software sales support managment software software consultant software sales support computers consultan
03/450 80 30
www.cronos.beLichtelarestraat 45 9080 Lochristi
09/340 66 76
www.sde.beLegen Heirweg 59 9890 Gavere
09 281 08 50
www.tasco.beBredabaan (Centrum) 368 2990 Wuustwezel
03 669 60 01
www.pcscomputers.beLombardsijdelaan 221 8434 Middelkerke
058/23 31 21
www.spidex.beToleindestraat 7 9080 Lochristi
09/353 90 20
www.xpower.eu/nlCables connectors computer computer local network computer network cables data transmission network systems network data communication computer cabling computer connectors computer cables dataconnectors glass fibre connectors da
09 227 66 76
www.icorda.beMolenlaan 27 8810 Lichtervelde
0475/4 8 51 41
www.telectroservice.beGasthuisstraat 68 2960 Brecht
03 313 44 45
www.pmemultimedia.beChristiaens is ICT-provider for SME´s. Specialized in Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
051/78 83 83
www.christiaens.netAssesteenweg 117 1740 Ternat
02/583 83 11
www.techdata.beVeldhoekstraat 24 9990 Maldegem
050/37 36 47
www.aboservice.be» We show top 61-75 of 75recommended companies
HP is a technology solutions provider to consumers, businesses and institutions globally. The company?s offerings span IT infrastructure, global services, business and home computing, and imaging and printing. For the four fiscal
02/620 47 00
www.hp.beKorte Magerstraat 5 9050 Gent
09/210 75 10
www.intercare.beBeeldhouwersstraat 59 9040 Gent
09 228 21 39
www.egl.beAmbachtsstraat 8 9700 Oudenaarde
055 30 03 20
www.cac.beAVENUE DU BOURGETLAAN 42 1130 Brussel
02/339 33 33
www.ibm.com/beCentric Belgium is a major player in the Belgian IT market with 700 employees and a turnover of EUR 90 million. Centric Belgium serves some 1,000 clients in Belgium, from SMEs to multinationals.
050/83 33 33
www.centric.euNieuwpoortstraat(Kor) 22 8500 Kortrijk
056/40 29 27
www.deduco.comFlor Alpaertsstraat 14 2600 Antwerpen
03/440 68 25
www.cdsnv.beComputers hardware software general web site design webdesign pda computers computers portable electronic dictionaries software language accessories translating software operating systems computer computer programs software data p
02/370 39 11
www.distrilogie.beComputers hardware accounting systems pocket computers portables lap tops micro computers notebooks pcs personal computers computers hobby computers computers portable computers home computers office computers personal pda
03/230 19 25
www.ortec.nl/belgiumTelecomlaan 9 1831 Machelen (Brab.)
02/728 05 27
www.unisys.beSoftware vertical applications computers hardware computers maintenance software general it services it consulting computers consultants teleprocessing lotus notes management data centres data processing centres software consulta
050/20 01 24
www.stonewood.beComputers hardware software general pocket computers portables lap tops micro computers notebooks pcs personal computers computers hobby computers computers portable computers home computers office computers personal electronic dictionaries software la
014/58 45 15
09/339 08 28
www.silicon.beFortsesteenweg 23 2860 Sint-Katelijne-Waver
015 30 62 10