» We show top 1-15 of 75 recommended companies
We focus on the development of unique and innovative solutions for the textile market. We invest in the future. We believe in working together and discover unexpected ways to face the challenges of the future.
055/23 01 10
050/34 76 08
0488/4 8 74 60
lec-energysolutions.be/Antwerp lionoil works is een hooggespecialiseerde onderneming met 70 jaar ervaring omtrent het exact gecontroleerd doseren van smeer- en productiemiddelen ,snelkoppelingen, smering, lionoil, smeersystemen, ....
03/237 00 45
www.lionoil.be/Centrum-Zuid 2037 3530 Houthalen-Helchteren
011/51 02 10
www.zinq.com/nlElizabetlaan 133 8300 Knokke-Heist
050/51 70 65
www.hightech.beSCHELDEWEG 1 2850 BOOM
03/880 68 00
www.staci.comKoopvaardijlaan 142 9000 Gent
09/223 58 31
Stalingradlaan 43 1000 Brussel
02/502 99 60
www.high-tech.beLouizalaan 500 1050 Elsene
02 663 16 00
www.hightechpartners.comRené Comhairelaan 82 1082 Sint-Agatha-Berchem
0485/6 9 52 82
www.martek.be» We show top 16-30 of 75recommended companies
09/335 21 50
mechanical.deroeve.com/Vosveld 11L 2110 Wijnegem
03/326 33 88
www.julbo-eyewear.comRue du Chàøteau 52 1480 Tubize
02/355 22 22
Landvoogddreef 46B 1180 Ukkel
02/375 91 62
www.cgp.beSioux supports high-tech customers in developing and building smart modules and software with impact. We add value by way of our strong focus on quality, functionality, reducing development times, integrity and scalability.
040/26 77 100
www.sioux.beBegonialaan 21 3550 Heusden-Zolder
011/85 04 40
Scheyssingen 17 1500 Halle
02356 89 01
biogastec.webfactional.comWilselsesteenweg 35 3020 Herent
016/23 00 95
www.innogreen.be/Mechelsesteenweg 311 1800 Vilvoorde
02 257 41 20
www.carlogavazzi.beRoute du Condroz 3 4550 Nandrin
499472 517
www.fixenergy.com» We show top 31-45 of 75recommended companies
Rue Joseph Dechamps 19 1300 Wavre
02/354 56 05
Raymond Vander Bruggenlaan 61 1070 Anderlecht
02/520 09 95
055/23 71 71
www.alsico.com/Boomsesteenweg 75 2630 AARTSELAAR
03/366 46 66
www.novofermindustrie.beTorkonjestraat(Mar) 21 8510 Kortrijk
056/25 86 56
www.afkor.be/nl-beVosveld 11 2110 Wijnegem
03/326 33 88
www.luxilon.beSint-Michielslaan 47 1040 Etterbeek
02/654 20 74
www.ght.beRittal is market leader in production and distribution of enclosures for industrial and data applications. More information internet httpwww.rittal.be email info@rittal.be
09/353 91 11
www.rittal.beEverslaan 45 3078 Everberg
02/758 92 11
www.huntsman.comRue des Deux Gares 150 1070 Anderlecht
02/729 61 11
www.spie.beThe Rhenus business areas - Contract Logistics, Freight Logistics, Port Logistics and Public Transport - manage complex supply chains and create wealth by means of innovative value-added services.
03/224 56 00
www.rhenus.comRue Provinciale 6 7760 Celles (lez-Tournai)
069/45 23 00
www.belintransport.com» We show top 46-60 of 75recommended companies
Rue Provinciale 6 7760 Celles (lez-Tournai)
069/45 49 31
www.belin.comHasseltsestraat 20 3290 Diest
013 31 23 27
www.michielsmedia.beRue Fond Jean Pâques 2 1435 Corbais
010/23 10 84
www.icc-sa.beRue Henri-Maus 198 4000 Liège
0425/3 3 39 8
www.micotec.beAndré Demedtslaan(Mar) 8 8510 Kortrijk
056/20 33 36
www.janpote.comOude Bosuilbaan 43 2100 DEURNE (ANTWERPEN)
03/326 75 70
www.bouwenmetplastics.beOude Vaartstraat 43 2300 Turnhout
014/44 88 33
www.abbit.be/Everslaan 45 3078 Kortenberg
02/758 95 30
www.huntsman.comPRÜFTECHNIK is a group of companies headquartered in Ismaning, near Munich, Germany, with approximately 500 employees worldwide. Our core business areas are high-tech measuring systems for industrial maintenance and quality assurance.
03/272 56 36
www.pruftechnik.beLouizalaan 250 1050 Elsene
02/646 40 70
www.fefco.orgHoge Mauw 442 2370 Arendonk
014/47 03 20
www.roosenindustries.comSlachthuisstraat 112 2300 Turnhout
014/63 89 08
www.dekimo.comKoning Albert I Laan 64 1780 Wemmel
02/725 86 58
www.ats.beSTAATSBAAN 4E 3210 LUBBEEK
016/62 09 01
www.plastiekvw.beHoogeindeken(GW) 8 9170 Sint-Gillis-Waas
03 766 11 32
www.plexi-view.com» We show top 61-75 of 75recommended companies
Nieuwstraat 67 9150 Kruibeke
03 711 38 82
www.ostws.comNoorderlaan 181 2030 Antwerpen
03 543 85 00
www.mandiesel-benelux.comVan Aerdtstraat 33 2060 Antwerpen
03/221 68 11
www.katoennatie.comBlarenberglaan 5 2800 Mechelen
015/22 02 81
www.hightechmetalseals.comVollekrijtstraat 2 1 2380 Ravels
014/65 69 55
www.vanrooy-fbt.beRue Haute Rue Haute 5190 Jemeppe-sur-Sambre
479243 197
Purena offers you integrated services and total solutions in the field of cleaning, maintenance, hygiene services and pest control.
053/21 27 86
02/421 41 80
www.bene.comLibramont Exhibition & Congress is a new facility for meetings and exchange anchored in the midst of nature. It can host all your events for two to 4000 people (meetings, incentives, congresses and events). It is located at the heart of a ...
061 23 04 09
www.libramont-exhibition.comKelderveld 17 2500 Lier
03/491 91 74
www.phlippo.comBergpad 44 2275 Lille
Heikantstraat 204-206 2900 Schoten
03/658 71 31