Your searched for: legal translations

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A Brussels-based multiservice consulting and translating firm with 25 years of expertise. As your trusted partner, you can commission us with all of your projects, from an urgent translation for your web site to the localisation of your complete ...

1150 BRUSSEL 15 Tradas

02/346 71 17

tag: legal translations

Enjoy smooth and efficient meetings with our technical support: discussion systems, videoconferencing, simultaneous translation (equipment and interpreters), voting systems… duvall provides tailored solutions, aimed at the client’s and event’s needs.

9820 MERELBEKE Duvall

09/236 61 71

tag: legal translations

If you need a sworn translation of your official documents, don't hesitate to address yourself to our services. We also take care of the legalizations. We also take care of medical, technical and scientific translations as well as the translation ...

8690 Oeren Gitlirhof

058/28 70 83

tag: legal translations

Square de Meeûs 37 1000 Brussel

1000 Brussel D & V Translation Agency Sprl

02/791 77 53

tag: legal translations
Ubiqus Belgium

Translations into all languages. Exclusively native speakers. Systematic revision. All fields: legal (incl. sworn and legalised), technical, commercial, website, IT, medical, financial. Worldwide network of translators. Online

1930 ZAVENTEM Ubiqus Belgium

02/725 23 70

tag: legal translations

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