» We show top 1-7 of 7 recommended companies
Vanillestraat 9 9041 Oostakker
09 220 58 03
www.e-globalcom.netUbiqus Belgium (formerly Data Translations) is a B2B language service provider and a major player on the professional translating scene in Belgium. The company is trusted by over 1,000 clients, among which private-sector companies across all..
02/725 23 70
www.ubiqus.beAvenue de Philippeville 226 6001 Charleroi
071/44 00 21
www.bts.beAvenue de Philippeville 226 6001 Charleroi
071/36 14 22
www.bts.beTervurenlaan 252-254 1150 Sint-Pieters-Woluwe
02 672 80 30
www.jonckers.comMaurice Wilmottestraat 88 1060 Sint-Gillis (bij-Brussel)
02/538 86 23
www.dekryptos.bePHI DATA optimize company processes through integration & support of Auto-ID, Mobile & RTLS solutions for the sector of the industry, logistics, healthcare, utilities, government and others institutions.
02/460 71 12