» We show top 1-15 of 75 recommended companies
Transcontinentaalweg 1 2030 Antwerpen
03/545 99 00
www.cammaertnv.be/Corbeillestraat 12 2235 Hulshout
016/28 65 90
03/541 71 40
www.maintenancepartners.com/Aesthetic, technological, and progressive. Verimpex has been developing and producing entrance mats professionally and with a sense of innovation for over 35 years. Discover our unique range and find a tailored solution for your project.
050/32 08 66
www.verimpex.be/nl/home/1HOSPITAALSTRAAT 35 9140 TEMSE
03/744 05 02
www.eurolabservices.euBRABANTSTRAAT 15 8790 WAREGEM
056/43 42 11
www.tvh.comAlbert Van Cotthemstraat 64 1600 Sint-Pieters-Leeuw
02/333 08 40
www.coreconcept.beKiezelweg 44 3620 Lanaken
089/74 55 02
www.handico-trucking.comRepas Catering delivers catering services for your events and your private parties. You will find a formula for every occasion.
015/42 43 44
www.repascatering.beRestaurant for any occasion cuisine Belgian-French kitchen OPEN Monday to Thursday 09.00h to 20.00h Friday and Saturday 09.00h to 22.00h Sunday 11.00h to 20.00h
016/82 13 82
0800/3 2 532
www.idocta.beSDM-Projects, your service provider for delivery and installation of electromechanical assembly projects. Repairs and retrofits are part of our expertise. SDM-Projects is your partner in the automation of generating electric energy.
02/688 33 89
www.groupsdm.comFinlandstraat 4X 9940 Evergem
09/258 11 40
rsbedrijfswageninrichting.be/» We show top 16-30 of 75recommended companies
Esperantolaan 1 3001 Heverlee
016/39 87 11
www.jungheinrich.be/nl/home-be/RUE DU PAYS-BAS 20 6061 MONTIGNIES-SUR-SAMBRE
071/30 77 27
02/481 53 90
www.officeteam.beZUIDWENDELAAN 18 2660 HOBOKEN (ANTWERPEN)
03/550 39 39
Neerlandweg 22 2610 Antwerpen
03/238 83 43
www.dresscoat.beGlasstraat 47 2170 Antwerpen
03/644 20 94
www.dakdepot.beFRANSEWEG 31 2920 KALMTHOUT
03/640 01 60
www.abc-groep.beLIERSESTEENWEG 4 2800 MECHELEN
015/33 30 00
www.telenet.be/cloudofficeHELSTSTRAAT 49 2630 AARTSELAAR
03/870 52 52
www.samtrans.be/HAVENLAAN 86 C 1000 BRUSSEL 1
02/422 26 11
www.vinci-facilities.be/SASSENHOUT 21F 2290 VORSELAAR
03/232 19 44
www.antwerpseruimdienst.be/Noordlaan 19 8520 Kuurne
056/35 70 12
www.bossuytgrootkeukens.be/» We show top 31-45 of 75recommended companies
Avenue Antoon Van Oss 1B 26 1120 BRUSSEL 12
02/262 01 27
www.zf.com/beJesserenplein 4 3840 Borgloon
012/74 15 41
www.derriks-sport.be/nl/IPG makes use of the entire range of contact centre services. Thanks to the right combination of people and technology, we bring each project to a successful end.
02/723 18 11
www.ipg-callcenter.be/nl/Grote Baan 38 9250 Waasmunster
03/250 66 90
sani-keukendecor.be/Embeke 40 9500 Viane
054/58 79 01
056/42 32 29
www.allfiresecurity.be/Any Green`s main focus is delivering rental plants fitted to your working space. Every firm, small or large, has the possibility to rent plants. Doing so, you don`t have to worry about the maintenance of the rental plants. Our service is all-in.
02/253 10 69
www.anygreen.beHendrik Deceuninck bvba is gevestigd te Izegem en sinds 2006 officieel exclusief Belgisch invoerder van Clark fork lifts. Het Clark gamma omvat naast elektrische en thermische fork lifts ook transpaletten, stapelaars, order pickers laag niveau,...
051/30 83 64
www.clarklift.be/nl/home-hendrik-deceuni...Waterschootstraat 77 9111 Sint-Niklaas
0479/ 79 11 39
kmofacturatie.be/GAASBEEKSESTEENWEG 140 1500 HALLE
02/361 21 21
www.hsb.beColt is the information delivery platform for businesses like yours. The ideal combination of secure and reliable datacommunication both between your company`s locations and between your company and the 20 datacentres of Colt.Serving belgian ...
02/790 16 16
www.colt.net/beBroekstraat 31 1000 Brussel
02/227 71 11
mds.umicore.com/en/SCHAARBEEKSTRAAT 23 9120 MELSELE
03/775 36 51
www.nenspower.beCombell hosting voor linux en windows met domeinnaam geschikt voor websites gebruikmakende van php, asp met mysql of ms sql database koppelingen ook aspnet, cgi perl ssi, python en veel meer meer weten hosting webhosting domeinnaamregistratie
09/218 79 79
www.combell.comMolenbergstraat 45 2300 Turnhout
014/65 25 65
www.colli2000.be» We show top 46-60 of 75recommended companies
Eddastraat 43 9042 Sint-Kruis-Winkel
09/251 18 51
www.depeckergent.beHANEGRAEFSTRAAT 18 2050 ANTWERPEN 5
0473/9 1 79 06
www.pl-cleaning.beIndustriepark-West 43 9100 Sint-Niklaas
03/780 45 75
domosportsgrass.comZ.1 RESEARCH PARK 250 1731 ZELLIK
02/481 79 00
www.tae.be/nl/Industrialaan 32 1702 Groot-Bijgaarden
02/467 42 11
www.brother.be/nl-beOwned by BNP Paribas, Arval is the leading fleet and fuel management company in the UK with over 35 years of industry experience. Arval manages over 135,000 vehicles and has around 1.1 million drivers using our fuel cards. We provide services to
02/240 01 99
www.arval.beZwingelaarsstraat 7 8500 KORTRIJK
056/36 57 11
www.cheyns.beFerranti offers business & IT consultancy, ICT infrastructure & Managed Services and develops & integrates IT solutions.
03/540 49 11
www.ferranti.be/PHI DATA optimize company processes through integration & support of Auto-ID, Mobile & RTLS solutions for the sector of the industry, logistics, healthcare, utilities, government and others institutions.
02/460 71 12
www.phidata.be/PROCESSIESTRAAT 2 8790 WAREGEM
056/62 76 73
www.alfasolutions.be/nlLEUVENSESTEENWEG 555 1930 ZAVENTEM
02/464 19 11
fichetgroup.comA Brussels-based multiservice consulting and translating firm with 25 years of expertise. As your trusted partner, you can commission us with all of your projects, from an urgent translation for your web site to the localisation of your complete ...
02/346 71 17
www.tradas.com» We show top 61-75 of 75recommended companies
Milo-Profi wil in de artistieke en communicatiewereld bekend staan als een toonaangevende, inspirerende en betrouwbare partner voor gepassioneerde fotografen, marketing-, communicatie- en eventverantwoordelijken, art directors en grafische vormgevers.
03/450 80 40
03/287 06 10
www.care.beA. STOCLETLAAN 206 2570 DUFFEL
015/29 35 35
www.airquality.be/Fork lift trucks pallet forklifts manual transpallet trucks fork lift truck sideloading trucks transpallet internal transport equipment fork lift trucks parts fork lift trucks rental fork lift trucks attachments fork lift trucks reach trucks service for
016/39 87 11
www.jungheinrich.beNERINGSTRAAT 2 1840 LONDERZEEL
052/30 09 81
www.noblesse.beBRUGSESTEENWEG 380 8800 ROESELARE
051/24 70 00
www.sercu.beMaalbeekstraat 4 8790 Waregem
056/60 30 61
www.vandamme.eu/nlBergensesteenweg 181 1600 Sint-Pieters-Leeuw
02/334 22 50
www.nederman.com/nl-be/EMBEKE 40 9500 GERAARDSBERGEN
054/58 92 20
www.vrancx.beVliegtuiglaan 7 9000 Gent
09 251 07 96
www.janssentrack.be/Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles | Manufacture of electric motors, generators and tr
051/31 18 12
www.vandenabeele.be/We offer smart software solutions that improve your productivity. We believe in an automated workflow, in connecting all elements of your business and are continuously striving for operational excellence. On our side, and yours.
050/83 38 83
02/790 81 11
www.econocom.beManagement opleiding, sales training, coaching, consultancy services specifiek voor KMO`s. De management opleiding bij U-Man is praktisch en getoetst aan actuale noden van een KMO bedrijfsleider. Onze leiderschapstest toont u uw sterke en ook...
015/43 66 20
uman.be/We offer you « Simply Successful CRM & Accounting » with solutions, like Maximizer CRM, Unit4-Multivers, Venice Accounting & Invoicing and QuoteWerks.
013/77 19 02