U zocht op: gearboxes

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Defawes : Manufacturer of Gears and Gearboxes - Belgium Defawes Gears and Gearboxes DEFAWES , defawes, DEFAWES 96, defawes 96 , gearbox ,GEARBOX, weel , WEEL, RONDSEL, PIGNON, PINION, RITZEL, WIEL, ROU, WHEEL, RAD, DRIJVER, ROUE, MENANTE, DRIVING G

9032 Gent Defawes

09 226 27 55

tag: gearboxes

Jan De Wacker Industrial Equipment is a company that sells industrial tools and machines. Our product range includes: grabs, pulleys, couplings, coiltongs, coilhooks,belt conveyors, gearboxes, palettisers, filling technology,

2970 Schilde Jan De Wacker

03/345 82 44

tag: gearboxes