» We show top 1-15 of 75 recommended companies
0472 2 5 54 54
www.hijsco.be/RINGAERTSTRAAT 16 8820 TORHOUT
050/21 49 35
www.cebeko.be/nlFork lift trucks pallet forklifts manual transpallet trucks fork lift truck sideloading trucks transpallet internal transport equipment fork lift trucks parts fork lift trucks rental fork lift trucks attachments fork lift trucks reach trucks service for
016/39 87 11
www.jungheinrich.beHeavy Lifting + Handling is the specialist in organising and carrying out industrial moves. There is no tunnel section too big, no container too heavy, no bridge too long, no crane too high, no machine too cumbersome, no boiler to
03/232 73 70
gosselinlogistics.euBUDASTEENWEG 31 1830 MACHELEN (BRABANT)
02/252 45 20
www.euromat.beHANEGRAEFSTRAAT 18 2050 ANTWERPEN 5
0473/9 1 79 06
056/50 94 10
www.luyckxjose.beCiepenstraat 28 8870 Izegem
051/31 74 11
www.rentalift.beCiepenstraat 28 8870 Izegem
051/31 74 11
www.rentalift.beActief in de machineconstructie en metaalbouw sedert 1938, is Verhelle bvba geëvolueerd tot een begrip in de hef-, hijs- en verwarmingssector. Ondertussen is Verhelle bvba meer dan ooit uitgegroeid tot een technische handelsonderneming met net...
09/380 06 55
09/230 20 30
03/828 64 38
anthonycranes.be/Esperantolaan 1 3001 Heverlee
016/39 87 11
www.jungheinrich.be/nl/home-be/HAVINKBEEKSTRAAT 24 9130 DOEL
03/773 54 69
smetrental.com» We show top 16-30 of 75recommended companies
Karel de Clercqstraat 1 9042 Gent
09/342 30 60
www.arentis.comHoogbuul 53 2250 Olen
014 28 34 10
09/343 02 01
www.at-rent.beWeibroekdreef 46 9880 Aalter
0494/9 1 86 77
www.kraanverhuurtieleman.beThanks to our business manager’s passion and ambition Stefca is a solid and reliable partner by providing professional contractors with service and maintenance, transport, assembly and disassembly, as well as rental and sales services for its ...
03/459 95 96
www.stefca-cranes.co.ukBlokkestraat 12 8530 Harelbeke
056 72 07 20
www.desuttergroup.comWOESTIJNSTRAAT 41 2880 BORNEM
03/890 66 00
www.hoisting.beDoornpark(BEV) 120 9120 Beveren
03/775 95 37
www.heyrman-de-roeck.beBRABANTSTRAAT 15 8790 WAREGEM
056/43 42 11
www.tvh.comContainers transport cranes lifting machinery transport, special special transport special deliveries special transports cranes hydraulic cranes mobile hydraulic cranes assembly cranes tower cranes rental mobile cranes hydraulic tracked cranes hydraul
03 561 03 90
www.ivens-cb.beRetiesebaan 171 2460 Kasterlee
014 85 11 54
www.elboka.beRINGAERTSTRAAT 6 8820 TORHOUT
050/21 49 35
www.cebeko.beDiebeke(Sch) 31 9500 Geraardsbergen
054/33 35 75
www.bm-scheerlinck.bePloegsebaan 17 2930 Brasschaat
03 663 46 65
www.afbraakengrondwerken.be» We show top 31-45 of 75recommended companies
03/771 28 40
www.klaas-belgium.be/nl/Stationsstraat 128 8780 OOSTROZEBEKE
056/67 40 11
www.vandaele-machinery.beHuis ten Halven 31 9140 Temse
03 771 97 68
www.mttrans.beAutoweg 10 1861 Meise
052/31 93 19
www.sarens.comBannerlaan 44 2280 GROBBENDONK
014/24 19 51
www.atip.beAntwerpsesteenweg 871 9041 Gent
09/326 76 60
www.verbauwhede.comChaussée de Courcelles 79 6041 Charleroi
071/34 16 55
015/61 55 28
www.global-rent.beMichielsens stands for rental of mobile cranes, for transport and for industrial assembly. Our strength is in the collaboration of these three activities, both for simple and complex projects. Our success is in the dynamic approach that entails ...
03/360 88 88
www.michielsens.euOnderzeel 4J 2920 Kalmthout
03 666 03 20
www.panco.beFor Sarens, nothing is too heavy, nothing is too high. The specialist in the extra ordinary, visit our site"
052/31 93 19
www.sarens.comBoomkorstraat 1 8380 Brugge
050/54 70 16
www.kranenverheye.be/» We show top 46-60 of 75recommended companies
Twaalfapostelenstraat 2 9051 Gent
09 222 16 32
www.hembergmontage.beBisschoppenhoflaan 275 2100 Deurne
03 360 88 88
www.michielsens.beVILVOORDSESTEENWEG 152 1120 BRUSSEL 12
02/675 59 02
www.loxam.beBergen 91 2370 Arendonk
0493/6 1 56 16
www.chappy.beNijverheidsstraat 2 8650 Houthulst
051/70 08 11
www.despierre.beRue Zénobe Gramme ZN 7181 Seneffe
064 67 62 25
www.megamax.infoRue du Coucou 47 7640 Antoing
069 44 11 49
www.dufour.beRue de la Vallée Rue de la VallAce 5190 Jemeppe-sur-Sambre
071 78 45 00
www.durjau.beBoomkorstraat 8 8380 Zeebrugge
050/54 45 41
www.gardec.beKleine Veldstraat(STA) 24 8840 Staden
Rue de la Vieille Espérance 30 4100 Seraing
04 336 60 01
www.partnersa.comKnippegroen 1 9042 Gent
09 345 98 91
www.mammoet.comSTEENWEG OP MEERHOUT 42 2431 LAAKDAL
014/86 66 02
fmbouwmachines.beArendonksesteenweg 21 2380 Ravels
014 65 61 15
www.portocarrero.be» We show top 61-75 of 75recommended companies
Beverlosesteenweg 100 3580 Beringen
011/42 09 73
www.montaco.beRoterijstraat 3 8850 Ardooie
051/74 42 91
www.mathertrading.beBierbeekstraat 8A 3052 Oud-Heverlee
016/40 01 64
www.anymove.org's Gravenstraat 176 9810 Nazareth
0495 5 3 20 72
www.debockroos.beDeinsesteenweg 106 9031 Gent
09 226 66 26
www.kraanverhuurdanneelscarlos.beMachine parts made to size concrete drilling contractors tools professional rental cranes lifting machinery construction machinery rental professional machines to rent reinforced concrete drilling reinforced concrete cutting cranes hydraulic cranes mobi
03 775 18 15
www.beverrent.beVAN ASSCHESTRAAT 47 2160 WOMMELGEM
03/322 20 15
www.stroeckx.beLeuvensesteenweg 287 3070 Kortenberg
02 759 87 96
www.vranckx-nv.beKleine Veldstraat(STA) 24 8840 Staden
051 70 17 19
www.kranenbeernaert.beJacobsveldweg 8 2160 Wommelgem
03/355 15 51
www.sarens.be/Vangaever Bobcat is official distributor of all Bobcat products (for West and East Flanders, Flemish Brabant and Limburg). We have our own attachment factory and deal in Genie access material, Thwaites and tracked dumpers.
051/63 43 31
www.vangaever.beRue des Technologies 22 4432 Ans
04 246 37 07
www.germay-manutentions.beRue d´Ans 168 4000 Liège
04 226 26 48
www.jungling.beAnkerstraat 4 8400 Oostende
059/32 01 00
www.noordzeekranen.beBoomsesteenweg 101 2630 Aartselaar
03/457 62 41