» We show top 1-15 of 75 recommended companies
B. Rekencentra NV is a leading provider of cargo and freight software. Software development is our core business. We regularly invest in new technologies and frameworks.
03/449 45 89
www.rekencentra.beFerranti offers business & IT consultancy, ICT infrastructure & Managed Services and develops & integrates IT solutions.
03/540 49 11
www.ferranti.be/PHI DATA optimize company processes through integration & support of Auto-ID, Mobile & RTLS solutions for the sector of the industry, logistics, healthcare, utilities, government and others institutions.
02/460 71 12
www.phidata.be/BRUGSESTEENWEG 380 8800 ROESELARE
051/24 70 00
www.sercu.beWe offer smart software solutions that improve your productivity. We believe in an automated workflow, in connecting all elements of your business and are continuously striving for operational excellence. On our side, and yours.
050/83 38 83
02/790 81 11
www.econocom.beWe offer you « Simply Successful CRM & Accounting » with solutions, like Maximizer CRM, Unit4-Multivers, Venice Accounting & Invoicing and QuoteWerks.
013/77 19 02
adafi.software/DIESTSESTRAAT 55 3200 AARSCHOT
016/30 09 60
www.dastronic.be/Rittal is market leader in production and distribution of enclosures for industrial and data applications. More information internet httpwww.rittal.be email info@rittal.be
09/353 91 11
056/22 36 73
www.masterchips.be/nlSCHALIENHOEVEDREEF 20 2800 MECHELEN
015/21 53 11
www.sharp.beTrescal, the specialist for all your calibrations! Calibration of physical quantities in our laboratories & at your location. Our laboratories are accredited according to: ISO-17025 & ISO-17020 whereby the quality system is according to ISO-9001.
03/542 62 90
www.trescal.be/Marie Curiesquare 12 1070 Anderlecht
02/536 61 11
www.fujitsu.com/be/NIJVERHEIDSSTRAAT 13 2260 OEVEL
014/57 49 10
www.gmigroup.be/Claerhout Computer Engineering (CCE) is een softwarehuis gespecialiseerd in financiële applicaties enerzijds en het volledige ERP-gebeuren anderzijds. In 1989 werd het bedrijf gesticht en al snel evolueerde CCE tot een gezonde en innovatieve KMO.
09/362 36 93
www.cce.be» We show top 16-30 of 75recommended companies
056/40 29 27
www.deduco.beSpiegeldries 2 9860 Oosterzele
09/379 07 88
02/270 40 53
www.apipro.com/nl/ZWALUWBEEK 3 9120 MELSELE
03/568 33 00
www.vanasengineering.beYour warehouse management systems combine a number of important factors that are important for obtaining good operational results. Your warehouse goal setting: Efficient product storage and collection through logical setup and wayfinding ...
056/66 97 32
0800/3 2 532
03/289 83 21
waaslandsecurity.beWe deliver innovative, high-quality solutions for warehouse and logistics management. Our mission is to optimize the costs of running your business while maximizing day-to-day operational efficiency.
0473 5 0 04 28
www.ionlogistics.euGraphic art accessories office appliances wholesale drawing table drawing tables painters tools drawers accessories tools equipment for draftsmen drawing materials drawing paper office equipment wholesale
03 641 97 90
www.repro.beA Brussels-based multiservice consulting and translating firm with 25 years of expertise. As your trusted partner, you can commission us with all of your projects, from an urgent translation for your web site to the localisation of your complete ...
02/346 71 17
www.tradas.comSAP is wereldwijd de belangrijkste leverancier van zakelijke software; vandaag werken ruim 89.000 klanten in meer dan 120 landen met SAP`s toepassingen. Het aanbod komt tegemoet aan de behoeften van alle bedrijven: van oplossingen voor KMO`s tot...
02/674 65 11
www.sap.comDen Ham 6 1731 ZELLIK
02/567 92 82
www.c-online.beVeldkant 33 2550 Kontich
03/443 12 11
03/660 07 00
www.dragintra.beZevensterrenstraat 62 1082 Sint-Agatha-Berchem
02 465 78 88
www.imagine-it.be» We show top 31-45 of 75recommended companies
015/63 93 76
www.curema.beMOUTSTRAAT 60 9000 GENT
09/222 58 98
www.icontroller.euSluizeken 33 9620 Zottegem
09/ 26 1 57 45
www.eurotracs.comESPLANADE 1 1020 BRUSSEL 2
02/588 17 18
www.softwareone.com/en-be/avenue Herrmann-Debroux 54 1160 OUDERGEM
02/777 02 90
www.softwareag.beSpiegeldries 2 9860 Oosterzele
09/379 07 88
yaska.eu/nlPlanon first started developing Facility Management and Real Estate software in 1984 in the Netherlands. Since then we have built a wide range of solutions and services to support our customers to efficiently streamline all proces
015/44 00 88
www.planon.beCentric Belgium is a major player in the Belgian IT market with 700 employees and a turnover of EUR 90 million. Centric Belgium serves some 1,000 clients in Belgium, from SMEs to multinationals.
050/83 33 33
www.centric.euExact Software, is een internationaal leverancier van zakelijke-, boekhoud- en ERP-software die zowel éénmanszaken, starters, KMO’s als internationale bedrijven ondersteunt in het efficiënt organiseren van haar belangrijkste bedrijfsprocessen.
02/711 15 11
www.exactsoftware.beGroothandel in computers, randapparatuur, software | overige advies en levering van software
050/30 32 11
www.adifo.com/nlHaachtsesteenweg 322 1910 Kampenhout
02/342 01 92
www.orditool.beSPIEVELDSTRAAT 41 9160 LOKEREN
09/335 21 00
www.deroeve.comCrazy Robot maakt uw software op maat tegen zeer scherpe prijzen. Vanaf nu is maatwerksoftware voor iedereen bereikbaar !
0474/7 1 45 75
www.crazyrobot.beBROUWERSVLIET 2 2000 ANTWERPEN 1
03/220 21 11
050/28 94 00
www.sdworx.be» We show top 46-60 of 75recommended companies
014/57 11 11
www.sdworx.beKURINGERSTEENWEG 392 3500 HASSELT
011/87 02 11
www.sdworx.bePHILIPSSITE 5 3001 HEVERLEE
016/74 60 00
015/29 23 50
www.sdworx.beINDUSTRIESTRAAT 13 2500 LIER
03/490 30 01
www.sdworx.beHOOGKAMERSTRAAT 337 9140 TEMSE
03/609 33 50
053/61 55 00
www.sdworx.beRUE CAMILLE HUBERT 7A 5032 ISNES
081/40 95 80
www.sdworx.bePresident Kennedylaan 9 8500 Kortrijk
056/21 00 98
www.pvo.beCapgemini heeft meer dan 80.000 werknemers en is de mondiale marktleider in consulting, technologie, outsourcing en local professional services.
02/708 11 11
www.be.capgemini.comCGI is a major force in business- and IT consultancy, systems integration and outsourcing. Employing about 39.000 consultants in offices across 39 countries, Logica is a preferred partner for business critical application...
02/708 61 00
www.cgi.comFRANSEWEG 31 2920 KALMTHOUT
03/ 64 0 01 60
www.dynapps.beInterSystems is a global software technology leader who provides advanced software technologies for breakthrough applications. Founded in 1978, InterSystems is the world’s #1 vendor of database and integration technologies for healthcare...
02/464 97 20
www.intersystemsbenelux.comLAARSTRAAT 16 2610 WILRIJK
03/820 60 00
www.infomat.beSchaliënhoevedreef 20T 2800 Mechelen
015 29 46 30
www.pitneybowes.be» We show top 61-75 of 75recommended companies
I.T. Works is the leading organizer of seminars and workshops about the most important IT/ICT topics today. We offer training and education about requrements management, business intelligence, enterprise architecture, social media and IT management.
09/241 56 13
www.itworks.be/Advanco is a major international player in the integration of solutions for Item Level Serialization and Track-and-Trace throughout the entire supply chain whether structured around an ERP system or not. Life Sciences, Food and Consumer Products...
02/726 88 00
www.advanco.comKeyrus Belgium is a leading provider of innovative Business Intelligence, Performance Management...
02/706 03 00
www.keyrus.beBROUWERSVLIET 2 2000 ANTWERPEN 1
03/220 21 11
www.sdworx.be-software quality assessment -ps testware detects errors and provides solutions -software quality management -destructive thinking contributes to
016/35 93 80
www.pstestware.comBossuytlaan 49 8310 Brugge
050 37 53 73
www.winner-hotelsoftware.com/Crijtringstraat 28 2 3590 Diepenbeek
011/72 03 32
www.daconecp.beWelkom op de homepage van allbiz lucas is een polyvalent softwarepakket voor de kmo, en omvat een besteladministratie, facturatie, boekhouding, toonbankverwerking, statistieken, voorraadbeheer, agenda en contractenbeheer. lucas is
09 356 86 40
www.allbiz.beHOUTDOK-NOORDKAAI 12 2030 ANTWERPEN 3
03/870 51 51
www.talent-it.beWaterloolaan 16 1000 Brussel
02/226 72 11
www.accenture.beHogenakkerhoekstraat 8 9150 Kruibeke
03/254 04 44
09/280 22 22
www.ibs.netGET levert als Benelux marktleider al 40 jaar systemen voor tijdregistratie en beveiliging aan bedrijven. Eigen oplossingen voor tijdregistratie, personeelsplanning en urenregistratie. Toegangscontrole, CCTV en gedntegreerde security.
03/312 92 30
www.get.beEM Group realizes integrated projects, consisting of applications, periphericals and interfaces, in function of the data acquisition for essential business processes within SCM, HR, access control and production control,
03/780 97 80