» We show top 1-12 of 12 recommended companies
Geeneindestraat 1 3560 Lummen
013 55 61 06
www.globalmedics.beWood is a versatile and useful building material. But being a natural product it is susceptible to natural predators. Unfortunately these parasites make no distinction between the dead wood in the forest and the material with which we build our ...
02/526 07 70
www.protector-belgium.beDry rot occurs generally in older and neglected buildings. Usually provoked by leaks from roofs and gutters, it causes severe damage to wood and its elimination is difficult. It requires much skill and attention to put things right.
02/526 07 70
www.protector.bePlace des Sciences 3A 1348 Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve
0475/2 2 59 36
Chaussée de Charleroi 121 5030 Gembloux
081/61 48 90
www.salama.beRue de Wasseige 40 4460 Gràøce-Hollogne
04 263 02 17
www.onetoutou.comChaussée de Lodelinsart 109-111 6060 Charleroi
071 41 53 83
fr-fr.facebook.com/pages/GILLY-ZOO/15180...At last a really fast and safe way to defeat rising dampness without risk of persistant damp patches.The Protector Duo-System combines injecting a silicone barrier in the wall at floor level to prevent damp to rise, with the simultaneous lateral ...
02/526 07 70
www.protector-belgium.beHUNDELGEMSESTEENWEG 442 9820 BOTTELARE
0800/6 2 4 63
www.muroflex.beLochtemanweg 88 3550 Heusden-Zolder
Jaargetijdenlaan 100-102 1050 Elsene
051/26 51 51