» We show top 1-15 of 75 recommended companies
Kasteelhofstraat 20 1852 Beigem
02/ 26 9 38 50
www.pont-express.beThe Parmentier Establishments build in Belgium a complete range of handling equipment, on the ground or air. From the conception to the realization, our major care is to meet your specific needs, by offering custom-built solutions.
067 21 71 21
www.parmentier-handling.beDUITSLANDSTRAAT 4 9140 TEMSE
03/710 11 82
www.liftal.beZ. 5 Mollem 330 1730 Asse
02/559 07 20
www.induropehandytools.comLifting devices fork lift trucks tackles pulleys service fork lift truck stackers fork lift truck sideloading trucks fork lift trucks parts swivel cranes testing of elevation devices fork lift trucks rental fork lift trucks attachments fork lift trucks
03 779 94 15
www.welmo.beRUE R GEENEN 4020 LIEGE 2
04/349 90 40
www.hoisting.beRental and sale of specialized lifting equipment. Verlinde chain hoists, Beta construction winches/hoists, Red Rooster pneumatic hoists, Zeck pull winches and all accessories such as slings, shackles ...
03/295 53 54
www.montelec.beWOESTIJNSTRAAT 41 2880 BORNEM
03/890 66 00
www.hoisting.beAntwerpsesteenweg 144 2950 Kapellen
03/355 10 00
www.emce.beTransport Daghuyt is the specialist in machine transport. We also work on achieving perfect collaboration between our clients and Transport Daghuyt.
053/68 32 80
daghuyt.beZwaluwbeekstraat 12 9150 Kruibeke
03/232 99 74
www.eurocable.beDehemlaan 5 8900 Ieper
057/20 13 35
www.devosdewanckel.beBotestraat 140 9032 Gent
0478/4 5 68 71
www.eeckhoutbvba.comRue Brixhe 38 4040 Herstal
04 264 23 85
www.boucha.be» We show top 16-30 of 75recommended companies
Industriepark 2 3290 Diest
013/35 16 60
www.waterlandtrading.comJubellaan 157 2800 Mechelen
015/43 60 69
www.liftenmin.com/Drossaardstraat(M) 24 3630 Maasmechelen
089/76 76 43
www.bitecbvba.beRue Delvaux 23 4340 Awans
0435/8 9 76 7
www.ateliersmaquet.comRue Hautem(TOU) 54-56 7500 Tournai
069/21 29 49
www.ateliersdelporte.comVan Putlei 41 2018 Antwerpen
Spitsenstraat 30 2030 Antwerpen
03/644 24 57
www.porttech.beRue de l´Industrie 16 1400 Nivelles
067/34 21 60
www.vigan.comKallestraat 25 8691 Alveringem
057 30 13 11
www.stavelse.beRue Grand'Route 19-21 4610 Beyne-Heusay
0436/5 0 95 3
www.electrovolet.be» We show top 31-45 of 75recommended companies
Matenstraat 210 2845 Niel
03/888 23 45
www.transpico.beWestendelaan 1 8620 Nieuwpoort
0474/4 7 36 39
www.brusselle.euRoetgener Strasse 65 4730 Raeren
087/59 35 00
www.weisshaupt.be/Rue Camille Hubert Rue Camille Hubert 5032 Gembloux
087/30 18 87
users.skynet.be/sky80229/Hendrik van Minderhoutstraat 50 8380 Brugge
050/55 73 40
www.searo.beBergensesteenweg 179 1600 Sint-Pieters-Leeuw
02/334 87 35
www.tiptopindustrie.beKleistraat(STE) 3 9190 Stekene
03/779 73 17
www.vanhooste.comHeibloemlaan (Heide) 52 2920 Kalmthout
03/664 55 40
Hendrikstraat 81 3570 Alken
011/31 68 29
www.rascomat.beLichterstraat 77B 2870 Puurs
0484/0 3 78 07
www.kranenbouw.be/KROMMEBEEKSTRAAT 14 8930 MENEN
056/52 13 80
www.valvan.comOeselgemstraat 11 9870 Zulte
0498/9 3 41 44
www.quintyn.bePokmoere 4 9900 Eeklo
09/376 22 11
www.victorbuyck.be/nl» We show top 46-60 of 75recommended companies
Rue de l'Amérique Rue de l'AmAcrique 6810 Chiny
061 32 83 21
www.pobenco.beHerenveld(Sch) 2 9500 Geraardsbergen
054/43 78 69
www.statech.be/Slachthuisstraat 4B 9900 Eeklo
09/378 23 13
www.tiptopicb.beNoordkaai 7 8870 Izegem
Acaciastraat 72 3560 Lummen
013/32 1 27 23
www.ltb-liften.be/Kalvekeetdijk 209 8300 Knokke-Heist
050/60 88 79
www.herbo.beLeo Bekaertlaan 2 8870 Izegem
051/33 60 80
www.deswarte.beWeg op Bree 125 3670 Oudsbergen
011/79 02 02
www.lgbeton.euTCS, your partner for steelstructures. TCS, your partner for material handling. TCS, your construction partner.
011/60 93 60
www.timmers.beElevators installations laboratories stairlifts goods lifts elevators installation
056/35 85 80
www.coopman.orona.be/nl-bePathoekeweg 94 8000 Brugge
050 31 51 12
www.motogroup.beChristoffel Columbuslaan 5 9042 Gent
09/355 50 03
www.aelterman.beOude Schrieksebaan 20 2820 Bonheiden
03/455 20 02
www.metalwagen.beMeensesteenweg 545 8800 Roeselare
051245 566
www.avr.be» We show top 61-75 of 75recommended companies
Rechtstraat 428 9160 Lokeren
09/353 80 50
www.amc.beWestpoort 60 2070 Burcht
03/233 96 49
www.mervers.beFor over 20 years now COMETAL N.V. has specialized in the development, production, sale and rental of highly cost-effective shuttering techniques.
089/81 99 00
www.cometal.beZoomstraat 9 9160 Lokeren
09 349 06 92
www.dhollandia.beVeldkant 10 2550 Kontich
03/458 25 25
www.manutech.beDrieslaan 26 8560 Wevelgem
056/42 03 10
Vrijheidweg 3 3700 Tongeren
012/26 38 85
www.fijnmekanieknelissen.beGCM, which stands for Geodetics Construction Maintenance, has been founded in 1992, and is a construction company which is unique in its branche by acting as a total supplier for the industry.
09/367 60 31
www.gcm.beRue du Rouvroir(RS) 11 7610 Rumes
069 64 74 38
www.transmeca.beRoute de l'Ermitry 3 4900 Spa
087 77 30 78
www.amurobotic.beLangedijk 42 2430 Laakdal
013/66 67 04
www.biowieder.beNIEUWLANDLAAN 111 3200 AARSCHOT
016/14 07 10
www.motix.beWitmeerstraat 4 3600 Genk
089/32 35 60
www.bdindustries.beStokstraat 34 9770 Kruishoutem
09/338 00 60
www.demuldernv.beRomeinsesteenweg 558 1853 Grimbergen
02/460 77 55