» We show top 1-15 of 67 recommended companies
03/663 34 38
www.junta-polymers.comBedevaartstraat 53 8700 Tielt
051/42 69 61
www.proatwork.beProclima verhuurt en verkoopt gereedschap en ijzerwaren. Sterk in service en assortiment. Uw probleem = onze zorg.
03/645 87 47
www.proclima.beOude Vismijn 9 9160 Lokeren
09 348 11 25
www.houthandelvanbruyssel.beChaussée de Waterloo(SS) 490 5002 Namur
081 73 32 73
www.mosa-frein.beStatiestraat 66 2400 Mol
014/31 93 70
www.lemmenserwin.beMeerstraat 104 1840 Londerzeel
052 55 08 04
www.alltools.beHoutekietstraat 12 8540 Deerlijk
056 38 07 92
www.vkrenovatie.beJules de Troozlaan 27 1150 Sint-Pieters-Woluwe
02 770 34 09
www.orthopedielucas.beOttergemsesteenweg-Zuid 731 9000 Gent
09 222 44 83
www.orthopediederijcker.beSleidinge Dorp 3 9940 Sleidinge
09 357 35 37
www.gedimatleussleidinge.beDiestsestraat 32 3000 Leuven
016/22 50 15
www.mafranselectro.be» We show top 16-30 of 67recommended companies
Nijverheidskaai 12 9040 Gent
09 218 97 97
www.tiberghiengebroeders.beToevluchtweg 12 8620 Nieuwpoort
058 22 45 45
www.vanmaele.comNieuwlandstraat 6C 9120 Melsele
03 369 01 55
www.iasbelux.beBoerenkrijglaan 19 A 3120 Tremelo
016 84 34 40
www.jdktremelo.beWinketkaai 17 2800 Mechelen
015 21 03 90
www.siestahome.beSt.-Truidenstraat 30 3404 Landen
0494/8 8 41 21
www.mail.beKloosterstraat 90 2180 Antwerpen
03/542 68 10
www.selfmade.euDonkeindeweg 64 3520 Zonhoven
011/82 49 41
www.hulsmans.beAt last a really fast and safe way to defeat rising dampness without risk of persistant damp patches.The Protector Duo-System combines injecting a silicone barrier in the wall at floor level to prevent damp to rise, with the simultaneous lateral ...
02/526 07 70
www.protector-belgium.beWood is a versatile and useful building material. But being a natural product it is susceptible to natural predators. Unfortunately these parasites make no distinction between the dead wood in the forest and the material with which we build our ...
02/526 07 70
www.protector-belgium.beDry rot occurs generally in older and neglected buildings. Usually provoked by leaks from roofs and gutters, it causes severe damage to wood and its elimination is difficult. It requires much skill and attention to put things right.
02/526 07 70
www.protector.beUnil Lubricants is a lubricant specialist. Your machines need to run smoothly and it is our job to advise you on all possible applications and the various circumstances in which your equipment is used. Unil Lubricants produces more than 500 different
02/365 02 00
unil.be/nl/Mezenweg 5 8210 Zedelgem
050/82 52 69
www.ruysschaert-rik.beKortrijkstraat 323 9700 Oudenaarde
055 31 31 66
www.franiver.be» We show top 31-45 of 67recommended companies
Brusselsesteenweg 24A 3080 Tervuren
0485 6 8 55 97
www.healthcube.beRue Jules Bordet C 7180 Seneffe
064888 000
www.dow.comPlace Mac-Auliffe 34 6600 Bastogne
061/21 71 00
www.tontonlulu.comOffice furniture warehouse installation office installation office furnishing landscape offices office decoration plastic piling box warehouse management systems ergonomic office furniture
02/583 01 01
www.overtoom.be/is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinit...Agent Venlose Kabelfabriek, Stuurkabels, Verdeler Eupen Kabelwerk, Coaxiale & Comuterkabels, Draka & Nexans, Ale kabels voor industriele toepassingen
03/326 32 22
www.anka-kabel.beLiersesteenweg 130 3130 Begijnendijk
016 53 00 80
www.houthandel-vanrompaey.beDorpheidestraat 134 A 3590 Diepenbeek
011 96 06 49
www.machielsrafbvba.beST.-APOLLONIALAAN 200 2400 MOL
014/31 06 06
www.offinicards.comCentrum-Zuid 2403 3530 Houthalen-Helchteren
011/40 37 20
www.hobe-belgie.beMeirbeekstraat 114 9308 Aalst
0479 5 2 57 91
www.bvba-guns.bePlace de la Libération 10 4430 Ans
04 349 50 30
www.silicon-brain.comPRECICAL ~ --> conception, matrices d'injection, haute précision, industrie, plasturgie, Moulage, Prototypage, moule silicone , injection technique, présérie, Matrices, prototype, Moules, mould, moulding technology, Prototyping , silicone molding , M
A belgian company involved in designing, formulating and marketing chemical products as synthetic resins and Epdm formulated products for the building and industrial as well as recreational applications.
02/720 23 56
www.finres-sa.com» We show top 46-60 of 67recommended companies
056/23 80 00
www.cebeo.be/nl-beBouwelven 4 2280 Grobbendonk
014/25 73 91
ara-transferprint.comZwingelaarsstraat 7 8500 KORTRIJK
056/36 57 11
www.cheyns.beEuroparklaan 258 3530 Houthalen-Helchteren
011 60 40 65
www.thijsnv.comChemical products manufacturing wrapping machines adhesive tape packaging general packaging electronics packaging food filling materials sticky tape tapes adhesive tapes string bags palletising silicones manufacturing blister machines labelling machines
02/255 06 11
www.stokvistapes.beLaagstraat 1 9140 Temse
03/710 69 90
www.verfhandeltroubleyn.beRue de Limbourg 139 4800 Verviers
087/34 03 76
www.simac-caoutchouc.beEverdongenlaan 20 2300 Turnhout
014/42 42 31
www.soudal.comHaachtsesteenweg 162 1820 Steenokkerzeel
02/251 52 42
www.urm.beHenri-Joseph Genessestraat 11 1070 Anderlecht
02 588 18 56
www.unifix.beRue Nazareth Rue Nazareth 4651 Herve
087/66 04 41
www.mpc-rubber.beSint-Jansveld 11/A 2160 Wommelgem
03/870 43 30
www.bruco.beRobert Schumanplein 11 1040 Brussel
02/737 76 67
www.demarle.com/Brugsesteenweg 8B 8740 Pittem
051/48 52 44
www.carubin.beWholesale of electrical household appliances and
014/56 02 67
nedis.be/nl-be» We show top 61-67 of 67recommended companies
Bollinckxstraat 300 1190 Vorst
02 539 09 37
www.facade-express.bePlace Verte 24 7060 Soignies
067 33 24 77
www.plastic-home.beSPOELEWIELENLAAN 8 8860 LENDELEDE
051/31 13 96
www.pro-at-work.beStatiestraat 4 2547 Lint
03 455 86 85
www.defever.beOriflammensquare 9 1083 Ganshoren
02/427 35 01
www.bemdens.beKoekuitstraat 6 8930 Menen
056/51 91 08
www.pleisterwerkendeleu.beRue de la Poteresse(BU) 190 5004 Namur
081 21 37 72