» We show top 1-15 of 75 recommended companies
Beboost has over 25 years` experience in digital and online search platforms.
03/281 16 60
09/335 21 00
www.deroeve.comBOSVELD 14 9200 DENDERMONDE
052/41 44 70
auto-diagnose-apparatuur.beIKAROSLAAN 37 1930 ZAVENTEM
02/709 53 30
mail.quadient.comPROCESSIESTRAAT 2 8790 WAREGEM
056/62 76 73
www.alfasolutions.be/nlTijdsregistratie, prikklokken, biometrie, toegangscontrole, klokkennetwerken, scoreborden.
010/24 56 20
www.bodet.be/nl/A Brussels-based multiservice consulting and translating firm with 25 years of expertise. As your trusted partner, you can commission us with all of your projects, from an urgent translation for your web site to the localisation of your complete ...
02/346 71 17
www.tradas.comGateway to Konica Minolta websites Worldwide, and Corporate Information, Investor Relations, Environment and more. Konica Minolta is an Innovative Company and continues to create impressions in the Field of Imaging
02/717 08 11
www.konicaminolta.beKYOCERA Document Solutions is manufacturer of laser printers, multifunctionals and efficient software solutions and is a leading company in Managed Document Services, for the optimization of the complete document-output process of your company.
02/720 92 70
www.kyoceradocumentsolutions.be/BRUGSESTEENWEG 380 8800 ROESELARE
051/24 70 00
02/790 81 11
www.econocom.beWe offer you « Simply Successful CRM & Accounting » with solutions, like Maximizer CRM, Unit4-Multivers, Venice Accounting & Invoicing and QuoteWerks.
013/77 19 02
adafi.software/DIESTSESTRAAT 55 3200 AARSCHOT
016/30 09 60
www.dastronic.be/Rittal is market leader in production and distribution of enclosures for industrial and data applications. More information internet httpwww.rittal.be email info@rittal.be
09/353 91 11
www.rittal.beFerranti offers business & IT consultancy, ICT infrastructure & Managed Services and develops & integrates IT solutions.
03/540 49 11
www.ferranti.be/» We show top 16-30 of 75recommended companies
PHI DATA optimize company processes through integration & support of Auto-ID, Mobile & RTLS solutions for the sector of the industry, logistics, healthcare, utilities, government and others institutions.
02/460 71 12
056/22 36 73
www.masterchips.be/nlSCHALIENHOEVEDREEF 20 2800 MECHELEN
015/21 53 11
www.sharp.bePaalsesteenweg 210 3583 Beringen
011 55 05 05
www.globezenit.beTrescal, the specialist for all your calibrations! Calibration of physical quantities in our laboratories & at your location. Our laboratories are accredited according to: ISO-17025 & ISO-17020 whereby the quality system is according to ISO-9001.
03/542 62 90
www.trescal.be/B. Rekencentra NV is a leading provider of cargo and freight software. Software development is our core business. We regularly invest in new technologies and frameworks.
03/449 45 89
www.rekencentra.beMarie Curiesquare 12 1070 Anderlecht
02/536 61 11
www.fujitsu.com/be/NIJVERHEIDSSTRAAT 13 2260 OEVEL
014/57 49 10
www.gmigroup.be/Claerhout Computer Engineering (CCE) is een softwarehuis gespecialiseerd in financiële applicaties enerzijds en het volledige ERP-gebeuren anderzijds. In 1989 werd het bedrijf gesticht en al snel evolueerde CCE tot een gezonde en innovatieve KMO.
09/362 36 93
www.cce.beIKAROSLAAN 37 1930 ZAVENTEM
02/709 53 30
www.neopost.beBENELUXPARK 33 8500 KORTRIJK
056/40 29 27
www.deduco.beSpiegeldries 2 9860 Oosterzele
09/379 07 88
015/69 56 17
bssbelgium.com/nl/Waterschootstraat 77 9111 Sint-Niklaas
0479/ 79 11 39
kmofacturatie.be/Combell hosting voor linux en windows met domeinnaam geschikt voor websites gebruikmakende van php, asp met mysql of ms sql database koppelingen ook aspnet, cgi perl ssi, python en veel meer meer weten hosting webhosting domeinnaamregistratie
09/218 79 79
www.combell.com» We show top 31-45 of 75recommended companies
Specialist in mail processing franking machines, folder inserters, letter openers, mailroom furniture,...
02/709 53 30
www.quadient.comHoldestraat 21 8760 Meulebeke
051/48 66 57
www.jsoft.beDIKSMUIDSE HEERWEG 22.0001 8200 SINT-ANDRIES
050/96 96 00
fbw.be/nlPilz is een toonaangevend, innovatief bedrijf in de automatiseringstechniek. Als expert op het gebied van veiligheid van mens, machine en omgeving biedt Pilz producten en een diensten op het gebied van sensoren, besturingstechniek en aandrijftechniek
09/321 75 70
www.pilz.beLEUVENSESTEENWEG 136 3191 HEVER
015/51 85 34
www.fosfari.be/nlYour warehouse management systems combine a number of important factors that are important for obtaining good operational results. Your warehouse goal setting: Efficient product storage and collection through logical setup and wayfinding ...
056/66 97 32
0800/3 2 532
www.idocta.beOOSTHOEK 25 9968 OOSTEEKLO
0499/7 6 00 30
03/550 39 39
03/289 83 21
waaslandsecurity.beLIERSESTEENWEG 4 2800 MECHELEN
015/33 30 00
www.telenet.be/cloudofficePassendalestraat 199 8980 Zonnebeke
051/78 83 83
www.christiaens.netUilenbaan 82 2160 Wommelgem
03/354 09 79
www.ctac.beDa Vincilaan 9 1930 Zaventem
03/808 88 88
www.infradata.beWetenschapspark 25 3590 Diepenbeek
011/30 30 01
www.entelec.eu» We show top 46-60 of 75recommended companies
Schaliënstraat 1 2000 Antwerpen
03/283 08 86
www.indeff.comKolonel Begaultlaan 1B 3012 Leuven
016/36 90 00
www.icometrix.comMOUTSTRAAT 60 9000 GENT
09/222 58 98
www.icontroller.euData base activities
050/40 64 90
www.guideline.beBoudewijnlaan 14 8300 Knokke-Heist
050/62 56 66
www.jorosoft.beKORTRIJKSESTWG 321 8530 HARELBEKE
056/73 20 10
www.youngpartners.comRembert Dodoensstraat 45-47 3920 Lommel
011/54 92 32
www.cafcasoftware.be/KORTRIJKSTRAAT 341 8560 WEVELGEM
056/43 92 71
www.compuboek.beComputercenter bvba, gelegen te Veurne, is al 28 jaar aanwezig in de ICT-sector en levert totaaloplossingen aan kleine ondernemingen: servers, computers & randapparatuur, ontwerpen van financiële & commerciële programma’s op maat,…
058 31 33 13
www.vanmarcke-computers.beSpiegeldries 2 9860 Oosterzele
09/379 07 88
yaska.eu/nlCentric Belgium is a major player in the Belgian IT market with 700 employees and a turnover of EUR 90 million. Centric Belgium serves some 1,000 clients in Belgium, from SMEs to multinationals.
050/83 33 33
www.centric.euE3-plein 12 9050 Gentbrugge
09/231 43 43
www.asci.beAurelium is an allround ICT service provider for SMB. We strive to translate our knowledge into efficient ICT solutions, that connect our customers to the future and maximize their business potential.
03/457 57 77
www.aurelium.be» We show top 61-75 of 75recommended companies
Elisabethlaan 441 8400 Oostende
059/27 05 70
www.compufit.beSAP is wereldwijd de belangrijkste leverancier van zakelijke software; vandaag werken ruim 89.000 klanten in meer dan 120 landen met SAP`s toepassingen. Het aanbod komt tegemoet aan de behoeften van alle bedrijven: van oplossingen voor KMO`s tot...
02/674 65 11
www.sap.comComputers hardware software general electronic dictionaries software language accessories translating software operating systems computer computer programs software data processing software software spelling check cdrom dictionari
09/231 94 94
www.allems.beMosselerlaan 45 3600 Genk
0475/6 1 82 35
www.ma-consult.beGET levert als Benelux marktleider al 40 jaar systemen voor tijdregistratie en beveiliging aan bedrijven. Eigen oplossingen voor tijdregistratie, personeelsplanning en urenregistratie. Toegangscontrole, CCTV en gedntegreerde security.
03/312 92 30
www.get.beTIENSESTRAAT 254 3000 LEUVEN
016/29 00 07
htpp//www.ncn.beI.T. Works is the leading organizer of seminars and workshops about the most important IT/ICT topics today. We offer training and education about requrements management, business intelligence, enterprise architecture, social media and IT management.
09/241 56 13
www.itworks.be/Antwerpsesteenweg 124 2630 Aartselaar
03/870 46 92
www.amista.be/ElaN is a full-service language agency high quality translations, language training and interpreting.
011/43 47 64
www.elanlanguages.com/nl-BEProxTech offers various RFID and proximity solutions.
03/722 91 60
proxtech.com/Venakkerstraat 8 2400 Mol
014/32 32 11
03/870 51 51
www.talent-it.beHOOGSTRAAT 52 9340 LEDE
0471/6 2 34 46
www.3rdwave.beEngelse Wandeling(Kor) 2 8500 Kortrijk
056 36 21 97
www.cognistreamer.com/Test software software vertical applications computers hardware computers maintenance computers peripheral equipment software general software project development educational software develeopment computer data storage systems it services data banks ge
03/860 40 00