» We show top 1-15 of 75 recommended companies
Engineering bureaus project coordination project engineering project management study bureaus technical assistance building site management cad design secondment electronics consultants engineering prefab
078/05 40 00
www.portakabin.beBij Cobalt Box kan je terecht voor opslagruimtes op maat in regio Antwerpen. Met vijf vestigingen in Antwerpen is er steeds een opslaglocatie in uw buurt met een ruime keuze aan opslagruimtes. Cobalt Box biedt flexibele huurfo
03/430 40 41
www.cobaltbox.beNOORDERLAAN 50 2060 ANTWERPEN 6
03/369 60 30
www.a-interim.bePortakabin modular buildings and portable buildings are the ultimate, versatile, sustainable building. Our modular building systems enable us to create buildings of any size, with multiple storeys, for up to 1,000 people or more.
288 68 7 21
www.portakabin.luSCHOEBROEKSTRAAT 34 3583 PAAL
080/09 04 85
www.algeco.bePortakabin modular buildings and portable buildings are the ultimate, versatile, sustainable building. Our modular building systems enable us to create buildings of any size, with multiple storeys, for up to 1,000 people or more. They include the ...
078/05 40 00
www.portakabin.beAlgeco, worldleader in construc tion of modular spaces and prefabricated buildings. Contact us for more information. More than 65 years experience in creating smart spaces to work, live and learn. Rental of modular buildings.
080/09 04 85
www.algeco.beKoning Leopoldlaan 8 2830 WILLEBROEK
03/860 71 50
www.demeeuw.be/informatie/bouwsystemen-h...The construction sector in Belgium suffers from a chronic shortage of skilled workers. Randstad Construct supplies companies with a wide selection of workers in the building trades, with a great variety of specialities - including drivers or ...
02/474 60 00
www.randstad.beDe Meeuw is producent van modulairegebouwen die, afhankelijk vh soortmodules, hun toepassing vinden bij de bouw van ziekenhuizen, luxe kantoorgebouwen, laboruimtes en schoolgebouwen.
03/860 71 50
www.demeeuw.beFRANKRIJKLEI 101 2000 ANTWERPEN 1
03/800 64 00
www.startpeople.beSLINGERWEG 20 3600 GENK
089/86 96 60
www.warsco.euDuivenstraat (STG) 1 9200 Dendermonde
0486 / 71 55 80
www.opruimwerken.vlaanderen/Autostrade 17 1840 Londerzeel
02/223 43 07
www.robunits.beUFINTY thinks issues through with your organisation. Whether it concerns strategic issues, such as the guidance of the financial department to become a steering business unit, or an assessment of the financial processes and systems, or an analysis ..
03/450 80 34
www.ufinity.be» We show top 16-30 of 75recommended companies
A functional business center in a stimulating environment. The BC Vlaamse Ardennen has 23 offices ranging from 18 up to 75 square meter and 20 warehouses ranging from 70 up to 370 square meter at disposal. You can enter your business space ...
055/61 21 00
www.bcvlar.beStokerijstraat 79 2110 Wijnegem
03/354 22 90
www.hahbo.beAxintor is specialised in finding the best temporary employees for every sector, including the construction industry. At our Belgian Axintor offices, at our recruitment offices in ?new? EU member states such as Poland and Hungary, plus at our ...
058/62 02 00
www.axintor.be/nlVerhuur van luxe en standaard kantoormeubelen Van 1 enkele bureaustoel tot honderden werkposten Bureautafels-Bureaus-Bureaustoelen- Rolluikkasten-Ladenblokken- Directiemeubelen-Vergaderstoelen- Conferentiestoelen-Scheidingswanden-
03/244 18 62
03/653 03 16
www.vanderspiegel.be/Mechanic International is your specialist in containers and security locks for the construction and transport sector. Our company started in 1984 and is situated near Brussels. We are distributor of mechanical and electronic ...
02/453 13 07
www.m-i.beODTH is able to provide its customers with exactly the right solution to their logistical needs, using road, rail or waterways. We have been in business for more than 25 years and in that time we have acquired a great deal of experience in the...
03/880 72 60
www.odth.beAximas Bedrijfsmakelaars is gespecialiseerd in de verhuur en verkoop van bedrijfsvastgoed, kantoren, logistieke gebouwen, handelspanden en investeringseigendommen.in opdracht van eindgebruikers, projectontwikkelaars en investeerde
02/227 11 02
www.aximas.comTemporary employees clerical temporary employees manual temporary work manual temporary staff manual work temporary staff intellectual work
03/800 64 00
www.unique.beHeirbaan 49 2640 Mortsel
03/440 11 00
www.wijverhuizen.be/ALFONS GOSSETLAAN 28 A 1702 GROOT-BIJGAARDEN
02/481 53 90
www.officeteam.beSCL will be offering a wide range of Freight Forwarding, Logistics and Consultancy services covering any shipment of sensitive and valuable freight, packaged chemicals as well as dual-use goods to all areas of the world
03/289 37 42
www.specialcargologistics.comFrankrijklei 126 2000 Antwerpen
03/213 44 33
www.vivaldisinterim.beEGIDE WALSCHAERTSSTRAAT 20 2800 MECHELEN
015/40 60 00
www.dpd.beTNT is the worlds leading provider of express delivery services. We make sure your documents, parcels, freight are delivered safely on time using our integrated air and road networks.
02/754 22 22
www.tnt.com/be» We show top 31-45 of 75recommended companies
0800/9 0 789
shop.suez.be/nl/Founded in 1948, Robert Half International Inc. (NYSE symbol: RHI) is the world`s first and largest specialised staffing firm. RHI is a recognised leader in professional staffing and consulting services, and is the parent company of Protiviti®, a lea
02/481 53 90
www.roberthalf.beDiamantstraat (HRT) 8 2200 Herentals
014/21 21 21
www.frame21.beTransportlaan 4 3600 GENK
089/32 32 32
www.essers.comInternational transport, distribution and logistics. Groupage and full cargo. Corneel Geerts Transportgroup is a member of the ‘International Forwarding Association’ (IFA organisation)
03/326 20 00
www.cgeerts.beLangestraat 207 2240 Zandhoven
03/239 15 50
www.cefiac.beBreeweg 21 8020 Oostkamp
050/35 32 39
www.mclconsultancy.beInterleuvenlaan 62 3001 HEVERLEE
016/39 47 00
www.businessbrewery.beRoger Vandendriesschelaan 18 1150 Sint-Pieters-Woluwe
02/310 87 15
www.pro-unity.comLEUVENSESTEENWEG 555 1930 ZAVENTEM
02/464 19 11
fichetgroup.comExcelsiorlaan 39 1930 Zaventem
02/223 77 60
www.brainpoint.beSTEVINSTRAAT 105 1000 BRUSSEL 1
02/733 49 45
www.schumanflats.beKrommewege 74 9990 Maldegem
050/71 15 57
www.tentmoment.be» We show top 46-60 of 75recommended companies
Diestsestraat 114 3000 LEUVEN
016/50 95 95
www.jobconnection.be/Vlietje 11 2500 Lier
03/488 01 42
www.valueandrisk.be/From our offices in Brussels, Ghent, Groot-Bijgaarden and Zaventem we aim to be the best and most professional business partner in the recruitment of temporary and permanent positions for operational accounting, tax & treasury, finance, banking , ...
02/542 40 40
www.walterspeople.beKontichstraat 196 2650 Edegem
03/451 30 00
www.yes-ims.beHerentalsebaan 579 2160 Wommelgem
0487/1 1 13 50
incognito.beTemporary employees clerical temporary employees manual temporary work manual temporary staff manual work temporary staff intellectual work
02/583 91 11
www.adecco.bePeter Benoitstraat 10 2018 Antwerpen
03/440 92 97
www.bureauvandenbroeck.beKWADESTRAAT 153 8800 ROESELARE
051/25 93 33
www.officeteam.beJAN VAN GENTSTRAAT 301 2000 ANTWERPEN 1
03/257 26 26
www.officeteam.beILGATLAAN 3 3500 HASSELT
011/29 30 10
www.officeteam.beIKAROSLAAN 37 1930 ZAVENTEM
02/416 83 83
www.officeteam.beGULDENSPORENPARK 10 9820 MERELBEKE
09/233 39 99
www.officeteam.beDIAMANTSTRAAT 8 2200 HERENTALS
01475 22 22
www.officeteam.beLOUIZALAAN 235 1050 BRUSSEL 5
02/649 40 40
www.officeteam.beRUE DES FRERES WRIGHT 29 6041 GOSSELIES
071/30 55 50
www.officeteam.be» We show top 61-75 of 75recommended companies
010/48 29 49
www.officeteam.beBOULEVARD FRèRE ORBAN 25 4000 LIEGE 1
04/225 52 22
www.officeteam.beKotseheide 44 2970 Schilde
03/260 66 54
kurtgoossens.comBrugsesteenweg(Kor) 255 8500 Kortrijk
03/202 79 70
www.hays.beManpower provides work for 312 people worldwide. Per day? No, per minute! Are you also looking for work? We will help you to get ahead. Through permanent and temporary jobs that challenge you to draw the best from yourself.
02/639 10 71
www.manpower.beVerhuring van magazijnen vanaf 100m² tot 1350m² Omgeving Antwerpen Dichtbij haven & 3 minuten van ring Grote inrij Verhuring van nieuwe kantoren Vanaf 120m² tot 250m² Ruime parking en alle comfort Ook verhuring van appartementen.
03 448 11 43
www.hebbes.be/finn/realestateBORSBEEKSEBRUG 34 2600 BERCHEM (ANTWERPEN)
03/808 01 51
www.beeple.euWie zijn wij Ons team bestaat uit een groep ervaringsdeskundigen die ten dienste staan van bedrijven die een (tijdelijke) nood hebben aan onafhankelijke specialiseten en generalisten. Met jaren ervaring binnen een waaier van s
02/465 48 20
www.thenable.comGaverstraat(Ove) 35 9500 Geraardsbergen
0475/4 1 76 87
www.mv-metalrecup.beHeideveld 54 1654 Beersel
02/356 96 27
www.amacro.beDerbystraat 345 9051 Sint-Denijs-Westrem - Afsnee
09/242 92 01
www.alsaco.beFind your ideal job online - get more out of your CV Check thousands of job offers, get actual tips and tricks, put your cv online and get contated.
0800 7 7 421
www.monster.beIkaroslaan 14 1930 Zaventem
02/725 70 00
www.payroll.beTURNHOUTSEBAAN 432 2970 SCHILDE
0471/3 5 70 18
mobielehuizen.be/Driemasten 63 8560 Wevelgem
056/42 37 00