» We show top 1-15 of 75 recommended companies
03/870 52 52
www.samtrans.be/International transport, distribution and logistics. Groupage and full cargo. Corneel Geerts Transportgroup is a member of the ‘International Forwarding Association’ (IFA organisation)
03/326 20 00
www.cgeerts.beEUROPASTRAAT 14 2321 MEER
03/317 04 20
www.almasy.eu/nl/homeTNT is the worlds leading provider of express delivery services. We make sure your documents, parcels, freight are delivered safely on time using our integrated air and road networks.
02/754 22 22
www.tnt.com/beKattendijkdok-Oostkaai 5 2000 ANTWERPEN 1
03/213 88 00
09 342 09 05
jetcar.be/LICHTERVELD 15 2870 PUURS
0475/5 3 40 04
www.cooltrans.be/SCHAARBEEKSTRAAT 23 9120 MELSELE
03/775 36 51
www.nenspower.beHOGE MATE 5 9042 DESTELDONK
09/255 58 58
www.tailormade-logistics.com/Wellingstraat 109 8730 Beernem
050/82 00 51
www.dtd-transport.beSCL will be offering a wide range of Freight Forwarding, Logistics and Consultancy services covering any shipment of sensitive and valuable freight, packaged chemicals as well as dual-use goods to all areas of the world
03/289 37 42
www.specialcargologistics.comVOSMEER 12 9200 DENDERMONDE
052/ 3 8 01 32
www.voptrans.beOUDE LIERSEBAAN 377 2570 DUFFEL
015/63 31 33
www.coolair.beTransportlaan 4 3600 GENK
089/32 32 32
www.essers.comMarkiesstraat 1 1000 Brussel
02/229 19 50
www.edfbelgium.be» We show top 16-30 of 75recommended companies
Geleenlaan 33 3600 Genk
089/62 37 50
www.systemplus.beHaachtsesteenweg 1385 1130 Haren
02/240 72 00
www.corpco.bizAs one of the world’s leading energy providers, GDF SUEZ operates right across the entire energy value chain, in the areas of electrical power and natural gas, upstream to downstream.
02/518 61 11
www.engie.beHessenatie Logistics (HL) offers execution, as well as management and engineering of logistics flows, besides supply chain consultancy, for individual or grouped companies in several logistics segments.
03/444 22 02
www.heslog.beKAPELSTRAAT 108 2160 WOMMELGEM
03/350 19 21
02/206 02 11
www.cofelyservices-gdfsuez.beGROENDAL 62 9420 ERPE-MERE
0498/5 0 50 10
www.transport.malikov.beVRIJWILLIGERSLAAN 19 1160 BRUSSEL 16
02/743 47 79
www.mytransconsult.beODTH is able to provide its customers with exactly the right solution to their logistical needs, using road, rail or waterways. We have been in business for more than 25 years and in that time we have acquired a great deal of experience in the...
03/880 72 60
www.odth.beLiezele-Dorp 22 2870 Puurs-Sint-Amands
03 889 14 44
www.willaert-vanboom.beDistrilog Group is a logistic service provider with its own distribution network in the BeNeLux.
03/860 00 86
www.distrilog.beVantegemstraat 3 9230 Wetteren
09/333 77 77
www.hamann.beVitschen 3 3798 Voeren
043/81 01 88
www.pinckers.beE 3 laan 62 9800 Deinze
09/352 00 66
www.gsnel.eu/nl» We show top 31-45 of 75recommended companies
Hoogkamerstraat 290 9140 Temse
03/711 09 13
www.vrd.beZ. 4 BROEKOOI 170 1730 ASSE
02 391 41 90
www.vpd.euHeirbaan 49 2640 Mortsel
03/440 11 00
www.wijverhuizen.be/Jan de Malschelaan 14 9140 Temse
03/711 09 13
vrd.beAutobaan 10 8210 Zedelgem
050/83 38 00
www.gheeraert.beVaartstraat 190 2520 Ranst
03/480 03 38
www.wmtrans.beVitshoekstraat 11 2070 Burcht
03/254 09 09
03/897 19 90
www.distrilog.beEuro-Sprinters is a courier that offers exclusive and express deliveries. We are at your disposal with more than 150 vehicles, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
0800/ 32 233
www.eurosprinters.comINDUSTRIEWEG 2 3730 HOESELT
0477/3 01 345
www.distributiegovaerts.beFILIP WILLIOTSTRAAT 9 2600 BERCHEM (ANTWERPEN)
03/286 80 90
www.bevib.be/homeStadsbeemd 1041 3545 Halen
013/46 03 46
www.pans.beGuimardstraat 4 1040 Brussel
02/282 72 11
www.fluxys.netAtealaan 32 2270 Herenthout
014/28 38 28
www.vandepoel.com» We show top 46-60 of 75recommended companies
Autobaan 10 8210 Zedelgem
050/83 38 00
www.gheeraert.beYou can count on us for all your urgent deliveries, JIT deliveries or any other deliveries. We guarantee that there are no delays in the production processes nor the entire supply chain.
050/94 62 58
www.4dtrans.beSluisstraat 2 3945 Ham
013 66 29 08
www.gsnel.euKarreweg 13 9810 Nazareth
09 381 80 00
www.dematra.beEntrepotstraat +35 9100 Sint-Niklaas
03/780 70 62
www.jotitrans.beWaversesteenweg 78 1560 Hoeilaart
02/657 02 17
www.transport-vancaudenberg.beMechelsesteenweg 662 3020 Herent
016/23 94 41
www.vdbroeck.beKasteleinsstraat 1 9150 Kruibeke
03 740 05 20
www.deer.beGustaaf Van der Steenstraat 92 1750 Lennik
02/532 13 32
www.vandeveldetransport.beBosstraat 175 3930 Hamont-Achel
011/44 05 40
www.hoeben.beWatertorenstraat 1A 3590 DIEPENBEEK
011/35 17 00
www.wimclaes.beEssenestraat 26 1740 Ternat
072/73 84 58
www.dhl.beLAR blok A6 8930 REKKEM
056/43 15 10
www.delcatrans.beZwingelaarsstraat 7 8500 KORTRIJK
056/36 57 11
www.cheyns.beKeizerslaan 20 1000 Brussel
02/546 70 11
www.elia.be» We show top 61-75 of 75recommended companies
Bedrijvenlaan 1 2800 MECHELEN
015/79 97 00
www.chep.comBelcrownlaan 23 2100 Antwerpen
03/360 55 00
gosselingroup.eu/Noorderlaan 123 2030 Antwerpen
03/541 41 16
www.ksl-warehousing.be/KSL-Warehousing-N...Overhaamlaan 33 3700 Tongeren
012/26 46 00
www.europeansprintline.comLangerbruggekaai 3 9000 Gent
09/371 71 71
www.vshanab.beVan Aerdtstraat 33 2060 Antwerpen
03/221 68 11
www.katoennatie.comTorhoutsesteenweg 1 8432 Middelkerke
059/27 66 72
www.carimo.beDonner une dimension supplémentaire à votre entreprise ? Essent. Votre nouvelle énergie. Fournisseur d’électricité et de gaz. Essent garantie 100% énergie écologique et le plus grand producteur d’énergie écologique dans le Benelux.
03/270 79 79
www.essent.beKON. ASTRIDLAAN 720 1931 BRUCARGO
02/720 20 20
www.theswapgroup.comRue des Deux Gares 150 1070 Anderlecht
02/729 61 11
www.spie.beClaerhout Computer Engineering (CCE) is een softwarehuis gespecialiseerd in financiële applicaties enerzijds en het volledige ERP-gebeuren anderzijds. In 1989 werd het bedrijf gesticht en al snel evolueerde CCE tot een gezonde en innovatieve KMO.
09/362 36 93
www.cce.bePoincarélaan 78-79 1060 Sint-Gillis (bij-Brussel)
02/525 10 11
www.dalkia.beNijverheidslaan 1560 3660 Opglabbeek
089/43 00 13
www.evaa.beSince 1991 PCA has been a reliable partner for process automation. Thanks to the extensive experience of PCA’s production and engineering departments, we can offer our customers custom-made solutions for every project.
053213 355
www.pcawater.comMETROPOOLSTRAAT 11 2900 SCHOTEN
0499/9 3 80 14