» We show top 1-15 of 22 recommended companies
For many years ICS has set the benchmark with regard to collection and dunning procedures for large and small businesses. We specialise in collecting business debts from domestic and foreign debtors. We can provide a personalised dunning procedure fr
03/542 31 53
www.internationalcollections.euIntrum Justitia is Belgisch en Europees marktleider op gebied van debiteurenbeheer. De onderneming is beursgenoteerd in Zweden, actief op 24 markten, telt 90.000 opdrachtgevers en steunt op meer dan 3.000 enthousiaste medewerkers. Intrum Justitia...
09/218 90 94
www.intrum.beWijmenstraat 22 9030 Gent
09/298 20 06
www.carrosseriemoerman.beVesting Finance NV is a part of Vesting Finance BV, the leading company for Credit Management Services in the Netherlands. Vesting Finance guarantees a professional service and advice for your (pre-) debt collection and credit management.
09298 26 00
www.vestingfinance.beVesting Finance NV is a part of Vesting Finance BV, the leading company for Credit Management Services in the Netherlands. Vesting Finance guarantees a professional service and advice for your (pre-) debt collection and credit management.
09/298 26 00
www.alektumgroup.be/bedrijvenRotemerlaan 29 3680 Maaseik
089 68 07 78
www.versmarktpeter.beWe, as a credit insurer, guarantee the analysis and permanent monitoring of the solvency of your clients, both in Belgium and abroad, the recovery of your unpaid debts and the indemnification of your losses.
02/289 31 11
www.eulerhermes.beAtradius, La prise de risque est inhérente à la conduite d`une entreprise
03/202 47 47
www.atradius.beMaaltemeers 84 9051 Sint-Denijs-Westrem
09/244 62 62
www.crion.comSociaal recht (ontslagrecht, arbeidsrecht, geschillen sociale inspectie enz..) Contractenrecht (arbeidscontracten, leveranciersgeschillen, agenturen, handelshuur, samenwerkingsovereenkomsten enz... Vennootschapsrecht
09 245 13 10
www.buggenhoudt.beMOLSESTEENWEG 6 2490 BALEN
0470/0 6 64 00
www.incassodirecto.beFinancing Worldwide assists its clients in two crucial fields of business managing credit risk and arranging financial packages. In doing so, we facilitate commercial contracts and international projects – both in developed
015/28 20 15
www.financingworldwide.bePOSTBUS 106 3680 MAASEIK
0478/ 75 94 10
www.credit-incasso.beWijmenstraat 22 9030 Gent
09/298 20 06
www.carrosseriemoerman.be» We show top 16-22 of 22recommended companies
Hundelgemsesteenweg 575 9820 Merelbeke
09 230 70 33
www.verstraeten-vastgoed.beRGC Finance, uw partner in leningen...
03/345 08 30
www.rgcfinance.beIndustriëlaan 54 7700 Mouscron
056/39 17 40
www.contentia.beDonk 54 2500 Lier
03/488 46 66
www.advocatenkantoor-mattijs.beGulden Vliesstraat 5 8300 Knokke-Heist
03 324 78 55
www.rectus.beSTOOFSTRAAT 12 1000 BRUSSEL 1
02/509 04 11
www.federale.beSint-Jozefstraat 29 2350 VOSSELAAR
014/82 14 48