General Information

  • checked Venture N.: BE0415.209.785
  • checked Turnover: n.a.
  • checked Staff members: 10-19
  • checked Founding Date: 08-06-1975


Since 1920, your creation has been our motivation. We have more than 95 years of experience in the legal protection of intellectual property of inventions, trademarks and designs for self-employed persons as well as for large multinationals in the Netherlands and abroad. In addition to our offices in the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium and Switzerland, Arnold & Siedsma has an extensive global network of agents so that we can protect your rights anywhere in the world.

Official NACE headings

  • Other types of legal services
  • Patent office
  • Activities by lawyers


ARNOLD & SIEDSMA  People to contact

Title: Name Lang.:
General Manager M. Hans Prins (NL)
General Manager Ms. Nele D`Halleweyn (NL)
Finance Manager Ms. Nele D`Halleweyn (NL)
Marketing Manager Ms. Karin Keijzer (NL)
Marketing Manager Ms. Sandra Bauwens (NL)

Combell Group 0222307 Flexmail