Algemene Informatie

  • checked Ondernemingsnr: BE0448.373.095
  • checked Omzet: n.a.
  • checked Personeel: 1-5
  • checked Oprichtdatum: 06-10-1992


Founded by Frédéric Jakus and operating in the exciting world of media since 1989, can help you to set up technically perfect presentations, to engineer conference rooms, event halls, even churches and to create understandable messages.

Our support is always professional, reassuring and with respect to your specific needs. To keep things simple but unforgettable is what we constantly try to achieve. Give us a call and we"ll create, rent or sell you the perfect solution.


Cost effective expenses are the key of success, starting with a good knowledge of what is possible or not.


Together we work out the ideal solution that is adapted to your specific audiovisual wishes. We know that every client has his/her own situation which you can"t use standard solutions for. Every hall has its own acoustic and needs a specific technical set up, the audiovisual equipment used for a product presentation is different from a press conference,...


In order to define what your needs are, we sit down together to discuss your specific situation and to have a look at all possibilties and limitations. This way we create personal solutions for your conference room, demonstration room, church, shoe store,... supported by home made solutions so we can really answer to your demand.


Whether it is old cassette records, ¼ inch tapes with or without Dolby A, B, C or SR, we can converse it to any format you need.


Need to record messages, voicing a promotional film? With our professional recording room we can produce and mix your spoken word in any way you"d want it.

Whether you need a specific microphone, record or playback machine, reinforcement installation,... just take a look at our rental list and call us for any details or questions.


  • Verhuren Geluidsmateriaal Met Technieker
  • Verhuur Geluidsmateriaal Voor Muziek Opnames
  • Verhuur Licht Voor Evenementen Voor Evenementen

Contacteer  STUDIO JM

Combell Group 0284184 Flexmail