Smart solutions for modular cleanrooms

Are you in the business of making high-end products?
Do you need a tailor-made solution? Whether your business is hi-tech, food, or pharma, the chances are you will need a cleanroom. That"s were we come in. We"ve been developing cleanrooms for the last 20 years. That probably means we can give you some good advice on how to tackle yours. We can design it. What"s more, we can build it for you.

And you will definitely like how we do business. We"re not big. There are bigger companies out there. Few are more flexible, though. It"s about delivering what you need. Do you or your customers deliver goods or services that require a controlled environment? A delicate approach? Precision engineering? If so, you may be looking to install a cleanroom.

Discover now

Also bear in mind: you can easily combine our products.

Just pick & choose wisely and save yourself some money.
Or just give us a call!

+32 56 98 00 53

We"ll be glad to help you pick exactly what you need.


  • Clean Room Systems
  • Clean Room Belgie
  • Cleanroom Bouwen
  • Cleanroom Wanden
  • Cleanrooms Belgium
  • Cleanroom Installeren
  • Hygiënische Ruimte Installeren
  • Modulaire Paneelsystemen
  • Stofvrije Kamer Installeren
  • Geïsoleerde Panelen
  • Paneelvloerafwerking
  • Panelen Vloerintegratie
  • Uitwisselbare Panelen
  • Wanden Bouwen

Contacteer  CRDB

Combell Group 9152039 Flexmail