Wholesale in electronic devices and communication devices as well as parts thereof
Engineers and similar technical advisors, with the exception of surveyors
Other types of technical and scientific activities
Other types of business services
Wholesale in machine tools
Wholesale in electronic materials, inclusive of material for installation
Wholesale in other types of machines and tools
Other types of services with regard to information
Advice agencies in regard to public relations and communication
Other types of advice agencies related to business management
Work of maintenance and mechanical repairs for third parties
Development, assembling and maintenance of control systems in non stop industrial process
Development, assembling and maintenance of automatic production units, including several machines, handling equipments and appliances for centralized control
Advice and operational assistance for companies in the fields of public relations and communication
Advice and assistance for companies and public sectors in planning, organization, search of yield, control, management information, etc.
Estimate of costs and benefits of proposed measures in planning, organization, yield, etc.
Technical drawing
Production of other types of products made from metal
Production of other types of electric and electronic cables