Other types of postal services and express couriers
Postal and courier activities
Running for a third party of non refrigerated warehouses (silos, sheds, warehouses, container parks, tanks, etc.) for all kind of goods, including agricultural products
Loading, transshipment and unloading of goods and luggages in other places than maritime ports (road, railroad, waterway handling, and in airports)
Express: collection of goods and grouping of individual sendings for shipment, distribution and delivery of goods at the end
Delivery of express freight
Collection, shipment and distribution of letters, parcels and packets by companies other than the national post company. one or several means of transport can be used
Hire and leasing of terrestrial transport material, without chauffeur, except individual cars and light commercial vehicles: railway vehicles, trucks, towing tractors, etc.
Freight traffic by road, with the exception of removal firms
Removal firms
Other types of activities related to the support of transport