Wholesale in cars and small vans (< 3.5 metric tonnes)
Intermediation of cars and small vans (< 3.5 metric tonnes)
Trade in trailers and caravans
Intermediation of and wholesale in car-parts and car-accessories
Retail trade in car-parts and car-accessories
Wholesale in computers and their peripheral devices, as well as software
Wholesale in machine tools
Retail trade in motor fuels in specialised shops
Other services related with information technology and computers
Market and opinion research offices
Rental and lease of cars and small vans (< 3.5 metric tonnes)
Rental and lease of trucks and other motorised vehicles (> 3.5 metric tonnes)
Renting refrigeration containers
Wholesale trade of accessories, spare parts and various equipments for automobile vehicles, including wholesale of spare parts and second hand equipments
Retail trade of accessories, spare parts and various equipments for automobile vehicles, including retail trade of spare parts and second hand equipments
Intermediary of trade of motorcycles, new or used, including cyclomotors
Wholesale trade of motorcyles, new or used
Wholesale trade of cyclomotors, new or used
Wholesale trade of pieces and accessories for motorcycles
Trade intermediaries for machines, industrial equipments, ships and planes
Wholesale trade of solid, liquid or gaseous fuels
Wholesale trade of fuels, fats, lubricants, oils, etc.
Wholesale trade of general furniture hardwares (nails, wires, fastening, bolting, etc.), of hand tools (hammers, saws, screwdrivers, etc.) and of electroportative tools
Retail trade of non costumized computers and softwares
Running of motorways, tunnels, decks, parks and parkings for vehicles and garages for bicycles
Activities of advice to users about the type and the configuration of computer products and softwares
Hire and leasing of engines and turbines, compressors, machine tools, without operator
Hire and leasing of other machines and materials for scientific, commercial and industrial purposes, including venders, without operator