Building of highways, roads, streets, pavements and other roads for vehicles and pedestrians (including the setting of guard rails)
Building of conveyance, distribution and water disposal networks
Ground-water lowering and dredging of construction sites
Dredging of agricultural and silvicultural lands
Making of horizontal drillings for cables or pipes
Setting of foundations, including pile hammering
Hire of trucks with driver
Activities of holding management: intervention in daily management, representation of companies on the basis of possession or control of the capital stock, etc.
Advice and assistance for companies and public sectors in planning, organization, search of yield, control, management information, etc.
Design and maintenance of gardens, parks and green places for sport facilities
Ancillary activities concerning cultivation of crops
Construction of high roads and other types of roads
Freight traffic by road, with the exception of removal firms
Removal firms
Advice agencies in regard to public relations and communication
Other types of advice agencies related to business management