Manufacture and repair of ships or of pieces of ships: passenger ships, ferryboats, cargos, tankers, etc.
Manufacture and repair of ships or of pieces of ships: fishing boats
Manufacture and repair of ships or of pieces of ships: pleasure or sport boats
Wholesale trade of accessories, spare parts and various equipments for automobile vehicles, including wholesale of spare parts and second hand equipments
Wholesale trade of tires
Wholesale trade of pieces and accessories for motorcycles
Repair of machines
Retail trade in cars and small vans (< 3.5 metric tonnes)
Retail trade in other types of motor vehicles (> 3.5 metric tonnes)
Trade in trailers and caravans
Retail trade in, maintenance and reparation of motorcycles and their parts and accessories
Other types of publishers of software
Development and programming of computer programs
Activities with regard to computer consultancy
Other services related with information technology and computers
Web portals
Other types of advice agencies related to business management
Other types of business services
Reparation and assembly of specific car parts
Reparation of car bodies
Maintenance and reparation of motor vehicles
Intermediation of and wholesale in car-parts and car-accessories
Retail trade in car-parts and car-accessories
Car tyre companies
Maintenance and reparation of cars and small vans (< 3.5 metric tonnes)
Maintenance and reparation of other types of motor vehicles (> 3.5 metric tonnes)