Manufacture of electrical lighting appliances for cycles, motorcycles or cars: headlamps, flashing lights, sirens, etc.
Intermediary of trade of motorcycles, new or used, including cyclomotors
Wholesale trade of motorcyles, new or used
Wholesale trade of cyclomotors, new or used
Wholesale trade of pieces and accessories for motorcycles
Retail trade of motorcycles, new or used
Retail trade of cyclomotors, new or used
Retail trade of pieces and accessories for motorcycles
Maintenance and repair of motorcycles
Maintenance and repair of cyclomotors
Trade intermediaries for articles of sport and camping equipment, games and toys
Wholesale trade of fuels, fats, lubricants, oils, etc.
Production and assembly of motor vehicles
Production of motor vehicle coach-work
Production of other parts for motor vehicles
Cleaning and washing of motor vehicles
Intermediation and wholesale of motorcycles and parts and accessories of motorcycles
Wholesale in sports - and outdoor products, with the exception of bicycles
Retail trade in sports and outdoor products in specialised shops
Retail trade in ladies wear, gents wear as well as infant and childrens-wear for the upper and lower body and its accessories, this in specialised shops
Rental and lease of cars and small vans (< 3.5 metric tonnes)
Rental and lease of trucks and other motorised vehicles (> 3.5 metric tonnes)
Organisation of congresses and fairs
Retail trade in, maintenance and reparation of motorcycles and their parts and accessories