Advice and assistance for companies and public sectors in planning, organization, search of yield, control, management information, etc.
Estimate of costs and benefits of proposed measures in planning, organization, yield, etc.
Activities of general audits
Advice in management given for instance by agriculturists or agricultural economists to farms, etc.
Activities of geodesic activities : hydrographic survey, subterranean and delimitation survey, mapping and activities of collection of geographical data, including by aerial photography etc.
Test and analyses on texture, physical characteristics, performances, compliance with reglements and standards or specifications of materials, products, installations, etc.
Test or analyses in laboratories for testing the running, the ageing or the security of materials and installations
Measurements concerning clean air and water, measurement of radioactivity or similar phenomenons, analysis of the potential sources of pollution (smoke, sewage, etc.)
Activities of tests in the field of food hygiene
Control of estimates of pieces of building
Labelling of ships, aircrafts, automobile vehicles, recipients under pressure, nuclear installations, etc.
Statistical analysis of these studies
Other types of advice agencies related to business management
Other types of technical and scientific activities
Other types of business services
Engineers and similar technical advisors, with the exception of surveyors