Location of agricultural machines and equipments with machinist
Activities of blacksmiths
Forest management: tree cutting and production of raw woods such as mine timber, splitted tree props, wood piles and firewood
Work of maintenance and mechanical repairs for third parties
Grinding, cleaning and sorting of other waste to get secondary raw materials
Building of highways, roads, streets, pavements and other roads for vehicles and pedestrians (including the setting of guard rails)
Building of conveyance, distribution and water disposal networks
Building of gas, fuel transport networks, etc.
Building of transport and distribution lines for electricity
Building of lines and networks of telecommunication
Scraping of rivers, pits, etc.
Building of sport fields, game fields, swimming pools, etc.
Terracing work: digging, grading of construction sites, opening of trenches, removal of rocks, destruction with explosives, etc.
Ground-water lowering and dredging of construction sites
Dredging of agricultural and silvicultural lands
Test borings, test holes and corings for building and geophysical, geological and similar studies
Wholesale trade of fertilisers and phytosanitory products for agricultural use
Retail trade of seeds, fertilisers, phytosanitory products, etc.
Transport of goods by roads: transport of saw timbers, livestock, cars, wastes, refrigerated transport, international transport, transport in bulks, including by tank trucks
Hire of tractors and cultivators
Hire of machines and equipments for agriculture, grow and forestry activity, without operator (= hire of products manufactured within group 29.3)
Design and maintenance of gardens, parks and green places for sport facilities
The exploration of woods
Pre-treatment of non-hazardous waste, this in view of disposal
Other handling and removal of non-hazardous waste
Construction of high roads and other types of roads
Construction of distribution facilities for water and gas
Construction of sewerage systems
Construction of civil-technical works for liquids
Construction of civil-technical works for electricity and telecommunications
Construction of other types of civil-technical works
Preparing land for construction
Drilling and pre-drilling
Wholesale in machines, tools and appurtenances for the agriculture
Wholesale in fertilizers and other agro-chemical products