Manufacture of wax candles, church candles and similar articles
Manufacture or artificial flowers, fruits and leaves, and decorations in dryied flowers
Retail trade of items in wood, cork and wicker
Retail trade of artificial flowers and decorations with artificial flowers
Retail trade of all kind of products, the selling is made by another way: door-to-door salesmen, automatic distributors, demonstrators, street vendors, etc.
Production of knitted and hitched stuff
Production of knitted and hitched clothes
Production of other types of knitted and hitched clothes
Other types of industries
Street and market vending of textiles, clothing and footwear
Retail trade by means of mail-order companies or the internet
Creative arts, with the exception of ancillary services
Ancillary activities for the creative arts
Repair of other types of consumer goods
Designing of textile patterns, clothes, gems, furniture and decorative articles
Street and market vending of other types of products